"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
This went well although I did feel my tricep a bit on 185 but I think I know why. And how this whole thing happened,
Everything was fine up to 180 but then it got out in front of me a bit and I felt the slightest over contraction in my tri. nothing bad at all but it was there. feels ok now but no perfect
Really focused on driving with right arm on next sets/ Especially important on unracking
135 x 1 145 x 1 155 x 1 165 x 1 175 x 1 185 x 1 190 x 1 195 x 1 185 x 1 175 x 1
Strange one. Slept like shit Sat with a stomach ache (?) for no good reason. Still felt rested but weird
Light rain threatened but started off with ruck but no raincoat. 3 laps in started to rain so I went back for the coat. Wore it for 3 laps then it stopped raining. Put it back in ruck and it started again lol
Shifting gears starting today. Lowering the top weight of the cycle from 48 kg to 40kg. Want to emphasize more power, speed and endurance than top end strength after so many years now chasing it.
Feeling like I did when I quit swinging the 60 and 68kg bells, that I am taking un necessary risks for little to no payoffs
Everythings been perfect but some time between 4 am an 11:30 my tricep started to tighten just a bit, for no damn good reason of course But it didnt bother during the workout although I was aware of it
Went VERY slowly but still ended up at 175 strong 65, 75, 95
135 x 1 145 x 1 150 x 1 155 x 1 160 x 1 165 x 1 170 x 1 175 x 1 165 x 1 155 x 1 10 lifts not bad
Back to Stiff, X, Stiff Elbows vertical to floor and right under the bar
172.8 BW
outside of worrying about my elbow blowing up all of these were easy
Really soggy out there today and decided to just fast walk it instead of ruck
Things took off like a flash and continued all throughout
passed the first 3 miles in 45 min no problem and then decided to do 12 laps instead of 9. Not only did I maintain pace the last 3/4 mile it felt like my legs were out of control "fast"! Like they wanted to break out into a run! unreal!
This was ragged. Just took forever to get warm and find my balance and groove. Not sure why but not very powerful today. Lungs were good though and pace was solid
didn't help that I only weighed 171.8 although that shouldn't really matter
Getting ready to change things up though. EITHER going to try two hand swings again OR switch to topping out with the 40 kg. Seems I am forcing things too much
Everything went wrong this morning but still got started well. three laps in had to pee BUT the bathrooms were locked for some reason. made 1/2 another lap then decided peeing in public at noon at the park wasn't a good idea so got home quick
Started off with 16 kg swings in sets of 10/10 and I am really digging these now. I love how light they are as opposed to bells that can tear my arms off all the time
found a great groove and rhythm and feel like it's not tearing me down
then onto bar presses just to test drive the elbow
Wrapped the thumb and went back to Stiff/X/Stiff, went easy and most importantly the elbow didn't feel anything! going to come back very slowly and still lead with swings on wed and keep the press sets light and limited volume
also really digging the high rep bodyweight squats
This went very well, the 20 kg bell sat better on my forearm than the 16 and didn't feel like it was right on bone. the weight of course is nothing and moved well and the groove felt solid
Right arm though was shaking alot, I think from weak stabilizers as well as not being used to be directly overhead for years ( as opposed to my standing incline position)
The elbow was fine too
24 kg was easy too just want to get all eight sets of 5/5 before I start building the 24
Solid one! Fast and strong from the start. It seems the extra squat work is already making my legs stronger although that doesnt make sense, so fast. but it was good
A really good one except realizing my new GoRuck Mackalls are not going to work for rucking. I think it's because the laces do down the top of my arch too low and inhibit dorsiflexion. Bummer as they are great arch support
Well this was great. Much better than I hoped. After a few false starts with playing with different iterations I ended up with my classic style and it felt fine
worked up with 10, 12 14 kg first really paying attention to easing into the support position
I'll do 10 sets of 5/5 with the 16 next week then go to the 18 or 20 kg depending on how it feels
Oh the sunburn is a niacin flush from a new bottle of SLOW release niacin lol
Elbow felt good all night and not a peep from it on the swings thank goodness! It must go in and out of alignment as it goes from zero pain to elbow tendon pain for no discernable reason and then goes with away again. weird
Speed power and bell height all good and recovery too. Top HR was just 140
decent one. broken up a bit by bringing food and blanket to a stray dog in the neighbor hood but otherwise continuous for the hour
BUT don't think the new GoRuck Mackalls are going to work for rucking. Actually got a little hot spot on my right forefoot which none of the four pairs of boots ever gave me
45 lbs
6 laps 55 mins
3 miles
Elbow actually worse. the elbow seems very unstable and when it rotates "wrong" the tricep lights up
Well this was weird. Started feeling the tricep load up at 155 and thought it was weird.It had felt perfectly normal all this time
I think the elbow is unstable now and rotates in or out under not perfect load. and I think I've been weighting it more all this time
Put an elbow sleeve on and 175 felt fine
then 195 and I can see in the video my left elbow is higher; much higher, than my right and the bar shifts but the tricep didn't hurt
then to 205 which was fine
then to repeat it and the bar got out in front of me a bit( trying more kono style and right as I was about to lockout I felt it grind and a slight tearing feel/ sound and knew right away something was wrong
It didn't really hurt after but I knew I had injured, not just tweaked it
Floss, ice, light pushdown and laterals and rear delts, light
today, Tuesday it feels 80 % right but I'm done pressing for awhile ( barbell) Not sure what else will be the main course but I'll know more when it heals: kb press, pushups, swipes, arm casts? not sure but I am sure I don't ever want to be really injured again
Tweaked my left elbow early on and it got a bit worse so I called it at nine sets. wasn't sure what it was but I did two thing differently which I'm sure did it
1) I tried to put my elbows a bit higher as I unracked it. I noticed they've been lower than before so I tried to get them higher and put them on more of a stretch
2) I tried to press through the pinky fingers at the lockout and I think this was the real issue as I did the last time with ulnar deviation grip
NEVER AGAIN fuck with his
It's better now as I write this ( thurs night) but it was touchy. the EXTERNAL ROTATION with voodoo floss helped the most ( tried internal but nothing)
Should be ok by Monday
upped the body weight squats to 5 sets of 15 and they were easy this time and I feel nothing today
This started out great. Felt really good the first four laps or so. Then I had an encounter with a homeless man, a very old, very frail crippled up man. He was shuffling along in the cold with a ratty old blanket for a cover. I went to him to give him some money and realized his blanket was soaked and freezing.
I started on the next laps wishing I could do more then decided I could. I cut the ruck off to go back to my house to get some warm jacket and shirt for him and some food
But by the time I got back to the park he was gone.
These went ok but took awhile to really find my legs. No real issues and I slept better than I have in two weeks but just hard getting my weight back at the top of the rep
The 48 just has a very different balance point, speed, rhythm and timing than even the 44. Really have to get back at the top or I get pulled over too much
Pretty slow and sloggy. the three sets of 15 bodyweight squats really fatigued my legs in a new way and while I didnt have trouble doing the three miles, speed was low with lots of short breaks to let my quads calm down lol
What a freaking great day! This is without a doubt the best group of heavy reps I have ever done! Every set was just about perfect. Plus I didn't sleep well last night because traps, neck and upper back were so sore from Monday,lol.
I thought that would wreck me but somehow it didn't
The new part I hoped would work DID WORK! Brilliantly, to
that second reclaiming of the stiff leg position is the key to being able to power through the lockout and not fall away from the bar or push it forward.
Very excited
Bodyweight squats felt great! Was worried about doing 5 x 20 as I thought as I don't want to be too sore but I can definitely tell this is the right leg move to be doing. So simple and I can really concentrate on the legs the entire rep. 3 x 15
Wow this went great. I was seriously nervous before this session even though I slept well and felt basically fine orthopedically. Seriously cold tho and it's been a year since I had to press heavy while freezing lol
Bodyweight was perfect (175.0 at 4 am) and no excuses but warmups were, well, cold and slow
But I just kept thinking " Stiff Legs/X" and it worked well at getting me back under the bar at the launch
I also focused on taking the bar off with more weight on the torso but then settled into the weight on torso AND shoulders/arms- basically with whole body! this worked best
While the lockouts werent great and the second set was 3/4 it's been THREE YEARS since I even attempted this and have done it only once
Very happy. The groove was right
Now just need to add in the third cue
Stiff Legs
Stiff legs
Now that I can basically remember how to get it started RE STIFFING the legs after the launch makes the lockout so much better. other wise the base is soft
This went REALLY well. Went back to redirecting the bell path between my legs to the 7 o'clock angle and it solved all the other issues. really decent height and power and felt NOTHING in my back
This went VERY well almost all reps identical. Realized I get better drive AND minimize shoulder stress if I unrack it with more weight on torso than arms. Not loose or no tension in the arms just not trying to hold the weight mainly there
goblet squats were easy but too much bicep stress and not enough on legs. BW squats next week for reps
Did not start out feeling well but motored through. Tried to use the more quad dominant technique but if definitely didn't feel right at 40 kg so switched back
It seems that, just like in the press, things really change with heavier weights
This was a very solid day. I took 215 and it was the strongest one in a long time so I took 225 and almost made it
What I did realize is that I need MORE starting speed with 225 than even 220. I tend to stay pretty consistent regardless of the weight but I think I need more, without changing the technique
First time also in forever I've made 5 downsets with 205
Switched my technique back to a more quad dominant technique and didn't worry about bell height at all. Liked it.Much faster per rep pace and much less hip/back involvement
How I used to swing when I was doing 10 x 10/10 with the big bells
This was awesome. 6 laps in 49 minutes! This is an all time PR for the last ten years of rucking. I actually thought PR days were over but it seems I'm finally getting back into shape
Great day! THE SHOULDER FELT NORMAL! Unbelievable. This one had me worried. Made the lower bar rack adjustment and everything was strong. No clunking, plus realizing the low(er) rack position is important.
175 x 1 185 x 1 195 x 1 205 x 1 210 x 1 205 x 1 x 4
Shoulder felt 85% normal when I got moving in the morning but as soon as I loaded the bar a bit it started aching. Not terrible but not right. Definitely felt like first rib was still partly out and bicep tendon a bit too
Took it pretty easy and the groove and reps were solid
Put the bar a touch lower than monday and that felt right
I was tired and sore from Monday so it took extra long to warmup and get dynamic. On days like this I SHOULD go lighter for the first 4-5 sets. it make no sense to grind on wednesay
Out of the 13 sets only 4-5 were decent. the technique was right but everything was tight. didn't really feel comfortable under the bar. even the bar wasn't sitting that well on my chest
Stronger than expected. stomach woke me up at 12 midnight ( too much onions spinach and garlic I guess in my new/old stir fry lunch) but the workout was strong.
and fast. I was worried about going too fast ( only glenn and me ) but sixes are NOT tens lol
Much better. good power, height control. don't want to jinx myself but I've been feeling like my old self again ( pre oct 7) since thursday. I'll take it
maybe the torque worked it's way out through the legs. I think the new hanging, stick shrugs and ring work stretching first thing is making a difference
This went great. Just outstanding. Everything went better than I hoped. Even realized how to line up under the X EXACTLY everytime ( duh, just don't roll the bar) The last four sets with 185 were all done this way and worked like a charm
Also, the tighter I keep the initital knee flex at the start actually the better pop I get. Too much knee flex gets soggy
As hopeful as I've been in the last 8 months about this move!
173.8 4 am
at Noon tho
175.0 10.9 BF !!! 60.2 hydration
this is after my bath but I haven't seen these numbers in forever! Nice.those are the goal numbers across the board
I got an overnight bad case of platarfascitis Saturday and all day Sunday so much so that I didn't even do a walk much less a ruck!
Then the anterior tib on my left leg started acting up and I could barely stand up!
this is getting very very old It's like a pin ball machine:from my leg thumb to my right thumb to my left lat to my right levator/neck first rib then down to the calves and feet!!
Hopefully the twist is working it's way completely out of my body. Crazy though that those other tweaks were non existent when my feet were acting up
But I could press and I got most of the dorsiflexion back as well as the ankle mobility
I decided to continue 'feeding the mistakes' by accepting the knee dip just as I did the elbow flare. Don't try to accentuate it but stop trying to stop it
Worked great and it gave me the best 215 I've done in months PLUS TWO 210 ( first one I worked the dip too much. fixed it on the second and much better. Plus two great 205s with solid lockouts!
Slept GREAT but woke up seriously achy and sore. Inflammed for some reason and not sick, Must be DOMS from Monday at all those heavy grinding misses. shoulders traps pecs even left hip. Just achy so I had no idea how or even if today would go
Slow warmup but it went great and the wrapped thumb and tried to get through the sticking point/elbow flare with speed and it seems to work
Have to stay as stiff as possible on the fast start or the bar does go fast enough
First off again shit sleep. never thought after my cats died I would have dogs too that woke up an hour before my stupid early alarm! so that didn't help then though my wrist feels normal now I didn't want to use the torque technique again and elbow flare got me again!
It works but I can't use it. arghh
So missed 215 twice for the same stupid reason: not accepting the elbow flare and just fighting to keep elbows in at start which isn't ( hasn't) worked/working
After going down and missing 180 I thought I just have to accept elbow flare just created more starting speed to flare after the sticking point.
Wrist was still pretty jacked from wednesday; I thought the swings would either fix it or fuck it and it fixed it. Must have been subluxed from the torque position on the bar. Have to adjust for that Monday
But all was well and warmups actually felt STRONG for a change grip was no problem
Forgot to time the workout but it was between 25 and 30 min. Just Nick and me and really very little rest besides his set
This went great! Not a problem at all setting up. Turns out I use the same pressure position on my floor pushups as well. It will take a bit to get totally used to but I think I may have just solved the elbows flaring out problem!
Just have to lift thumb pad slightly off the bar on set up and it tucks my elbows naturally. Totally the opposite of the Press 2.00 from starting strength and it makes perfect sense if you think of how different the groove actually is from mine
this was a good one but tough. Bad sleep. woke up at midnight with right scap yelling at me after wrestling with dogs ( inadvertently) earlier. So, tired
But wanted to try out the new technique ( trying to push my hands apart at the top instead of pushing with hands and it worked well up to 215. then I got tired and missed a lot.BUT the technique works just still have to figure out how to think about it
It's about pushing through the outer heel of the hand rather than the thumb pad
135 x 1
155 x 1 175 x 1 195 x 1 205 x 1 ( balance but strong)
Fell on my ass last night trying to avoid stepping onto my dog. He parked himself by my heels and I didn't realize it. Thought I might have some serious 'delayed' reaction bone or spine issue but all was well. BUT same dog ( Ronin) woke me up at 2 am so I wasn't great this AM
BUT the workout went well although it was hard. Just me and Nick and it was fast. 25 sets in pretty spot on 25 min. I don't want to go any faster lol. Not even that fast but all sets were good and my back was fine ( although I don't know how. Landed square on my right glute. I fell well I have to say!)
Really good day and I learned something important,too. Changed the warmup a bit and it worked great/ went from 185 to 200 which was just heavy enough to force me into 'heavy weight' technique ( which was the goal)
then to 205 which missed out in front. drop and pop. so what I learned was to not only make my legs stiff but my torso too when I start the press and it worked great
Slept well and woke up fine. Even slightly cooler today but as soon as I started the ruck ( on the way OVER to the park) the left glute started talking to me. Not bad but definitely there
Really slowed my pace and it felt ok but I'm still not sure why
After the first hour it felt normal again and I picked up my pace a but but weird. Lower glute into the IT band insertion ( but I don't feel IT band at all)
All good except left glute is tight for some reason. Walked through it but it definitely slowed me down. Got tighter after the ruck, of course,nothing serious but a pain ( in the ass ,lol) to have to work out. Since NOT leaning while standing at work everything is in re adjustment mode. Close to square plumb and neutral the better but a realigned process at play
Slept like shit last night but didn't actually feel too bad and this workout was on fire! Could keep my knees locked and each set moved really really well
The two things that matter most. If my knees flex too much I lose hip drive and the bar goes foward. If I lose the X the bar goes forward
If I lock the knees I don't have to think much about balance OR pausing. It happens
Not trying to push the bar back over my face makes the groove so much more simple
the static holds went great too. Overload and hyperfocus on locking and holding knees as well as staring at the X
Terrible sleep. Didnt even stretch out as I needed the extra 1/2 hour of sleep more. Overall the walk wasnt too bad but I crashed the rest of the day with multiple naps and feedings.
This was the fastest ever with this protocol. Wasn't trying to go fast but could. and when I realized we were I didn't try to slow down either.
30 min for 200 reps. not bad at all
heartate about 130 at the end and probably that for the last 5-7 sets
Took a wider stance and used a more definitive hinge on purpose. My body was been talking to me to try this and I went for it. Resisted the temptation to also go to my lower heel Adidas shoe but was worried it would be too much of a change.
this felt strong
belt squats went well and decided to use the stick in the high bar squat position for the lunges, working to keep back arch and eyes up for a change
This went ok. Nothing wrong specifically but not as 'snappy' as I expected to be.No tweaks but things were just tired. Makes sense, Monday was a ton of work, which I actually made for a change.
didn't take it seriously enough too which is never smart
Technically things went right just not sharp. still good sleep and peace of mind
FINALLY! Everything went according to plan for a change. The lock in works well. 25 % over my 172 bodyweight. Was wondering if I was ever going to get this ( or more) again. Plus a serious dead pause
175 x 1 185 x 1 195 x 1 200 x 1 205 x 1 215 x 1! 210 x 1 205 x 1 x 3
So So workout. Nothing went wrong or injured, felt fairly strong but just not dialed in. still not feeling the standing plank part of this. hard to imagine just 2-3 weeks off this technique messed me up this badly
Great day finally! Best night's sleep in weeks, neck and right QL area all good and my new technique worked better than expected
Switch to my Adidas flatter shoe and it definitely helped to get me ground and "set" before I pressed
The idea was to 'lock in' first , spot the x, and when I felt totally tight shove the bar up
Different than waiting for someone else's press call, this was about locking the legs and hip and getting as tight as possible ( coil the spring) and then explode
Total shit.Neck locked up Sat night and spend all day working on it. No sleep, lots of pain, fear. Got it to release and pressing motion didn't hurt monday but nothing was working well. Or strong
And 171 lbs
Surprised I did as well as I did
Despite having the goal or really locking my knees I did not at all and it was just ugly
185 x 1 195 x 1 200 x miss out in front 200 x 1 205 x 1 210 x x on balance 215 x 3/4 x 3 misses ! 205 x X x 2! 180 x 1 x 3
Slept well, body felt good but took me awhile to warmup and find my groove, at least ten total sets, felt "wary" a long time
Went back to the old technique( standing plank/ hold at top) and perhaps that's it after last weeks quad dominant experiment
last ten sets felt 'normal' again but I was having trouble holding the plank solid.The least small technique change theses days seems like it affects EVERYTHING, especially balance and timing
But did them all in exactly 30 min with three of us going and without ( except the last 3-5 sets) trying to'
squats were hard but I got twenty. I took video but the depth looks so shallow I didnt want to post it. and they felt so deep lol
Lunges were good too using an upper body counter rotation like I used to
This went ok but interrupted sleep left me tired and a bit flat for training.Technique was good but not as strong so I was soft in the rack position and caught me. Bar wasn't high enough off the pin, knees never started locked out etc, and I missed at the top by inches
But I got a of good attempts in and work capacity is coming back. weighing 172 isn't helping either but so be it
175 x 1 185 x 1 195 x 1 200 x 1 205 x 1 ok but sloppy at stick point 210 x 1 best rep all day 215 x Miss 215 x Miss 210 x 1 ok but catching up with me 205 x 1 tucked chin 205 x 1 205 x miss, just not back far enough
This was a good one but a tough one; my first since my cortisone shot for my trigger thumb. Thumb is definitely better but I was distracted by it and with these weights it's always dicey to be distracted in any way
Didn't hurt anything but low back was tighter than I like right after. Partly as I tried using my older quad dominant style. It won't work with these big bells. I have to use hips not just quads to offset the weight
Now I know
Once I got warmed up all was good
25 sets in 30 min seems about the norm now. can't see going faster actually
Not enough sleep. otherwise felt really good. Overall inflammation in body is down after what seems 6-8 weeks of abnormal levels. No idea why except perhaps not pressing badly and creating even more asymmetries
45 lbs
6 laps
3 miles
56 min
3.0 average for first three laps then 3.2+ for last three
This was a good a group of reps as I've every done. I had a couple not perfects but the rest were as good as I've done yet
The difference was slight but critical ( as always) . Instead of spotting the X as I rolled into the unracking with elbows all at once, I spotted the X, then set my elbows, then stood up and then pushed the bar back to my face and X
Because of the setup my elbows were slightly in front of the bar and hence the bar went back over my face much more easily AND faster
Really not sure what I'm doing but it seems to be working lol. Making smaller jumps on the way up to the top set is helping too.Just really trying to do the exact same thing each set
Which is: chest up and stand up strong to unrack, then basically try to drive the bar back over my face and spot the X
Oh and legs tight if I can make them ( lol) basically Stand up/ Lock legs/ Bar to Face
135 155 175 x 1 185 x 1 190 x 1 195 x 1 200 x 1 205 x 1 210 x miss 210 x 1 215 x 1 almost. lost balance at top but still STRONG, much better than last 205 x 1 205 x miss head down bar forward 205 x 1