Wednesday, September 04, 2024

185 x 1 x 12, 225 static holds, 20 kg swings 5x5/5, floor pushups 3 x 27

 This went ok. Nothing wrong specifically but not as 'snappy' as I expected to be.No tweaks but things were just tired. Makes sense, Monday was a ton of work, which I actually made for a change.

didn't take it seriously enough too which is never smart

Technically things went right just not sharp. still good sleep and peace of mind


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185 x 1 x 6, 195 x 1 x 6, 20 kg swings 5 x 5/5, floor pushups 30, 30,20

 This went very well. really focused on holding the lockout better and that went overall well Two things, one, I have to be in perfect balan...