Monday, October 21, 2024

220 x 1 ( 35th) 215 x 1, 210 x 1, 205 x 1 x 2

 This went great! Except for a little left shoulder grinding on the 220 it was awesome ( a consequence of letting the elbows flare) 

195 and 205 were about as good as I've done them on the warmup.

220 moved great but elbow shoulder thunked a it at sticking point even with the false grip

Still nailed 215 but missed 210 out in front. adjusted and made it over strongly. then 2 x 1 with 205


the TWO key cues are



that's it. if I start with stiff legs then immediately re focus on the X I can get under the bar. If I lose the X it's out in front

174.6 BW

25% over BW

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...