Wednesday, December 04, 2024

16 kg swings 15 x 10/10, bw squats 3 x 20, 2 x 15, kb press light, band curls, kickbacks

 Tricep definitely better but definitely not 100%

Luckily it didn't bother the swings which were pretty easy which is exactly what I wanted

but when I got to the bw squats my legs were already toasty  and the 20's just were perfect 

I've never trained just bw squats and I'm actually excited about the possibility. as an endurance exercise. got a great pump too lol

then onto kb press

12 kg 14 kg x 5 x 5 didn't feel it much but did a little

at 16 I did so I stopped.

Its that elbows out angle that it doesn't like

tried some kneeling pushups and about the same

BUT  SUPER TIGHT ELBOWS IN didn't bother  but have to really unload a lot

But its only 48 since the tweak, too.

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205 x 1 x 2 ( 2 misses) 195 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts bw pbar pushups

 Weird day. Bad sleep and wanted to get three 205's. same technique as last wed but I got a little "wavy" bend in the mid rep ...