Saturday, December 30, 2023

40 kg Swings x 25 x 6, 40 kg belt squats 3 x 10, one leg squat off stool 2 x 8, pullaparts 3 x 30

 A solid  one today. Glenn out sick and nicks back was tweaky so slower pace but I felt great

groove solid  and legs and lungs good. This  AXE still is good. Just not as hard as 10-20 and being able to breathe makes things so much easier

Not sure if it's getting me in better shape but I feel solid and ruck speeds are up too



Friday, December 29, 2023

Thursday ruck

 Solid one,, Hot again tho, didn't expect that

45 lbs

5 laps

50 min

ave 18 min miles


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

190 x 1x 8 , 20 kg transfers 5 x 16, floor pushups

 What a great day. Every thing went perfectly. Ever set was virtually identical to the one before.

Moved my stance back in to just a little bit wider than it's been this whole time, stopped trying to get my feet so far in front on the setup and it made it much easier to lock my knees out before I started. And I tried to just get a brief pause before I pressed

135 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 1
190 x 1 x 8

20 kg transfers 5 x 16

floorpushups 2  x 29


Monday, December 25, 2023

215 x 1 x 5 PR! 205 x 1 x 3, laterals rear delts wt pushups

 This went very well today. Not perfect technique or timing but 85% there and , most importantly, very good leverage positions so that all five sets got done and with decent lockouts and no misses!

Five singles unbroken

Major mistake was not locking knees enough on unracking, most probably from a slightly too wide stance ( on purpose) and a little too much hip in front ( also on purpose) just too much

then three even better sets with 205

I believe this is an all time pr

laterals and rear delts and wt pushups the same

13.9 at 4 am

12 noon
60.2 ( bath) 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Great ruck!

 Wow, what a way to end the year! The  best ruck in recent memory.

Fast, loose and strong from the first lap 

Started at 6:30 and it was 39 degrees and crisp and perfect

Got off to a fast start and wondered how long I would be able to hold it

Turns out, the whole time

Was about 8:30 laps or so and barely stopped at all ( except for a few doggies ) but I was in the flow from the start and it really reminded me of what I used to get running all the time

It's been a minute for the rucking to get that state. But it is possible

45 lb ruck

9 laps

4.5 miles

9075 steps

1:20 min

17.6 min miles

3.6 mph ave



Saturday, December 23, 2023

32 kg swings 20 x 5, 32 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts 3 x 30

  This was good but not great. Slept long enough but not that well as I was bit groggy this morning

But still strong enough. I really like this AXE style protocol when 10 reps is your high rep day lol

32 kg swings 20 x 5 

about one min rest / sets. just by accident

really good bell height, speed and power and knee back and hips felt fine

32 kg squat 3 x 10 not as deep as I'd like but didn't want to push  it


12.5 ( bath)

Thursday Ruck

 Tough one. the week off with no ruck took a toll. slow and hard today but it got done and got me back on track.

Most importantly, the knee is back to normal

45 lb ruck

5 laps 

2.5 miles

7025 steps

50 min


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

195 x 1 x 10, 20 kg transfers 5 x 16,floor pushups 3 x 28

 This went very well and even better after a minor setup tweak

Because my knee is back to normal I was setting up a bit more under the bar than in front of it as on Mondays. This kept my hips too vertical. then I figured it out for the last four sets. Just a smidge in front so I have to set the hips in front of the bar too and it worked way better


Wider stance
Feet in front of the bar
Hips in front of the bar
Unrack with hips

transfers 5 x 16  20 kg  really liking these 

pushups 3 x 28


Monday, December 18, 2023

205 x 1 x 8, laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

 Knee is 85%+ better but didn't want to push it today so just did 205 for a bunch of singles to grease the groove and it was a good idea.

This is so solid. THIS is the position I've been trying to get into for the last 6 plus years since I stopped walking it out and got in the rack

It lets me set up with my hips exactly where I need them to be at the start of the press and my knees don't come into play at all. Feels very natural and except for the third rep ( where I dropped my head and it went forward all reps were basically the same

I was shorting the  hip set up a bit in the mid sets as I didn't want to load the knee but the reps weren't as good so the last three sets I pushed them forward more and it gave me the best sets of the day

laterals rear delts 3 x 8/8 20s

wt pushups


Sunday walk

 Knee much better but didn't want to load it so no ruck just bodyweight

8075 steps

1:20 min

last mile in 15:00

Saturday, December 16, 2023

48 kg swings 20 x 5, TKEs, pullaparts

 Wasnt sure this was going to happen at all, let alone all the sets with the 48 but it got done and nothing seems the worse for wear( I'll know for sure tomorrow)

Wore the low heel widened my stance just a tad and tried to stay on the hips a bit and it felt ok Was more worried about my lower back from the lower heel. And again, I'll know tomorrow

The key was releasing the soleus and mid level gastroc as well as really opening up the rec fem. Then the kneecap moved. but man it tightens back up fast. I really  did a number on it

TKE's 3 x 15

Pullaparts 3 x 30

172.2 !

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

New Approach. Completely new approach

 My right knee cap is still not moving right and now I'm sure it's from the last technique of 'layback til I feel the knees start to bend, then drive'.Even though it worked well it definitely puts too much stress on the knees and the dominant leg took the brunt of it.

So I did everything different. I turned around. Literally. Faced the other way

Put the bar up against the uprights

Wore a lower heeled shoe ( Adidas Power lift)

Took a slightly wider stance


I've never felt so locked in!

I think the main thing is being able to wedge in against the bar in the set up, just like the setup in the squat.It let me get my hips in front of the bar more easily but also WAY TIGHTER!

We'll have to see how it works up with heavier weights but it seems SO MUCH MORE EFFICIENT 

175 X 1 X 2
185 X 1 X 2
190 X 1 X 2
195 X 1 X 2 ( and this is with trying to not over load my leg at the same time)

 this was a great session

20kg transfer swings 5 x 18 ( really enjoying these now instead of dreading thursday light swings

3 x 27 strong


Monday, December 11, 2023

220 x miss( second week), 205 x 1 x 3, laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

 Right patella tight all sunday. got it to release  but it was not 100% and I think it impacted my layback and drive a bit.

Still, I got 220 on the first attempt and the second week in a row! not pretty but I'll take it

Was overfocused on correctiing last weeks fault ( laying back too much and not loading the bow enough, that I moved my hips fowards too much not giving me enough layback!
That was also the issue with the 215's

So it seems its
lock in
layback then load the bow til knees start to bend

then GO

195 x 1

205 x 1

215 x 1

220 x miss ( no lockout)

215 x X

215 x  X

215 x X !!! heres where the patella inhibition kicks in

205 x 1 x 3 got it back

laterals and rear delts 20's  x8s

wt pushups  53 x 3 x 8



Sunday, December 10, 2023

Fast Ruck!

 Man this was great. super cold at 6:20 start, just in shorts and t shirt so I had to move fast to stay warm but I could. I knew right  from the start it would be good and it was

Fastest time this year. Had a slight slag on 7th lap but pulled it out as I knew it would be a great time if I could

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:17 min! 

17.7 min miles 

3.5 mph average!

10,315 steps

just strong fast and easy, Nice



44 kg One arm swings 25 x 5, 44 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts

Best bell height and overall power with this bell yet. The AXE style is working

44 kg belt squats 3 x 10

pullaparts 3 x 30



Friday, December 08, 2023

Thursday strong ruck

 Really good one again. Fast and strong start to finish

Nice and cool out finally for a thursday

45 lb

6 laps

3 miles

18 min  mile ave

55 min



Wednesday, December 06, 2023

195 x 1 x 10, 20 kg transfers 5 x 16, floor pushups

 Great great workout. Technique worked like a charm and felt more natural than anything else I've tried with almost zero need for cues.

More like a picture in my head which is exactly what I've been working/hoping for.

Main things:
Lock in at the start

"load the bow" til my knees start to want to bend then press.

If I  just 'layback' without my hips going a bit  forward it's not optimal I don't think hence: load the bow-shoulder back and hips forward at the same time

Its definitely closest I've gotten to a pure "feel" press technique

transfers and pushups 27, 27 25

bw 174.00

Monday, December 04, 2023

215 x 1 220 x 1( 32nd), 210 x 1x 4 laterals rear delts bw pushups

 Solo training as both partners had to bail. It worked out fine, although I missed 220 on my first attempt BUT got it on the second ( not happy with the lockout but I'll take it) .

I was having a hard time figuring out just how far to layback before starting to press then realized if I layed back until I felt my knees starting to bend THAT was the perfect amount

Yes I get a little knee kick but if I do it right the bar goes back, wrong and it goes forward

What happened on the first attempt at 220 was that I rushed the layback ( who me?) and my knee kick pushed it forwards
Just have to wait a bit longer, which I did on the second attempt and voila!

195 and 205 on the warmups just flew

20 lb laterals and rear delts

BW paralettes pushups 4 x 12 slow


Sunday, December 03, 2023

Fast strong ruck

 Left plantar fascia a bit kicked in but did not bother me once I got going. Laying down it was tight lol

But a very strong fast ruck today

49 degrees and overcast. Perfect

legs and lungs opened up immediately and energy was good

Just one dog stop for a few minutes with the huskies

45 lbs

9 laps


10,250 steps

3.4 -3.6 ave speed



Saturday, December 02, 2023

40 kg swings 25 x 6. 40 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Really really strong workout .Slept well and felt solid and a bit fired up from all this bullshit in the worl

Did this workout 5 min faster than last time although I really have to stop looking at the clock

squats feeling more solid each week

pullaparts even these felt better



Thursday ruck

 Finally got my cold thursday to have a fast one and my legs and calves were toast! Lol Just super tight I think from Wednesdays transfer swings of all things. Much more of a leg/ hip dominant style I think

Cut it short to just five laps as my feet were starting to hurt too

45 lbs

5 laps

2.5 miles

50 min

lots of stops and shaking things out. Started fast then bonked a bit

It got done

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

195 x 1 x 5,205 x 1 x 3, 190 x 1 x 2 20 kg kb press 4 x 5, 20 kg transfers 4 x 16

 Well this went better than expected. Using my deadlift/sundance kid "can I move" analogy it worked well

In retrospect it seems I'm doing an 1) unrack and lock 2) load the bow and go technique.

Just feeling it out and I have to be careful about now laying back too fast nor too loose but all reps went the same

the presses felt great next week x 5x5 then the week after than 24 kg for 5 x 3

the  transfers felt great too easier than more one arm swings and actually, dare I say it? fun lol

Monday, November 27, 2023

No Joy, 225 x miss again. reboot. again

 Can't say I did anything that I wasn't trying to do an it didn't work at all. Not at all. I can't believe the same technique that produced the best two plate press of my life has turned to shit. Again


I ditched all the videos except for this very last set at 180 trying to figure something out

Same technique Lock, Load Layback press

195 x 1 eh
205 x 1  better but not fast
225 x MISS about the same height as last time. above head, in the groove BUT nowhere near enough speed
225 x miss not even close
215 x MISS WHAT?
180 x 1 x2 drop and pop. meh, desperate now
180 x 1 just lay back and press
200 x 1 ok
205 x 1 pretty tired now but seems natural. but I've been here before
180 x 1 x 4 ( last set shown)

laterals 3 x 8
rear delts 3 x8
floor pushups  3 x 20

BW 175.4 perfect but no joy

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Cold ruck

 Good one. Very cold, 40 deg at start. Still shorts and t shirt. Not sweating at end but definitely not cold anymore either lol. Perfect

New GoRuck MacV2 boots are perfect. The bigger outsole definitely has better shock absorption but the boot weighs the same? How'd they do that? But I love em. 

45 lb ruck

9 laps

10,000 steps

4.5 miles

good per lap speed but must have talked too long to the huskies because total time was 1:35 for the 9 laps

got off to a fast start and hit 3.6 mph on some laps but, slow overall

Still felt really good overall



Saturday, November 25, 2023

32 kg swings 20 x10, 36 kg belt squat 3 x 10, pullaparts

 Never have done this workout before it felt really good. Definitely on the slight edge of anaerobic and some lactic acid but not enough to impare at all

20 was literally the perfect number of sets as I could tell another set ( at that pace) would have started diminishing power output.
10 reps per arm were no problem

then onto 36 kb  squats ( 32 would have made me go too deep, lol) were ok but not easy after all those reps in my legs
pullaparts 3 x 30


13.5  bath and shave

Thursday ruck

 Hard one. Just mentally tough. Hot too and wasn't expecting it

45 lb ruck

5 laps

2.5 miles

50 min 

just got it done.. just work

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

195 x 1 x 10, double 20 kg kb press x 3 x 5, 20 kg swings 4 x 8/8

 This went great, 10 out of 11 perfect presses (  90% anyway). Took me 3 or so sets to warmup but then smooth sailing





sets 2,4,6,8.9.10 10 was best

then onto double kb press which I really liked, just similar enough to my main move but just different enough too
Felt very comfortable and natural. I will just do wt pushups on Mondays and these on Wed
Since I only have up to double 24s I will build to that and then do 5x5 with double 24's and only 8 sets of singles with 195

This will take a bit to get to.

This will definitely help strengthen static strength in the arch and legs which I really need

20 kg swings 4 x 8/8 tired now


Monday, November 20, 2023

Lock.Load.Layback 225 miss, 215 x 1 x 4 ( ties pr), laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

 It was a 'good' miss with two plates.  This was (again) the first time I've done this exact sequence/cueing so I didn't have down as well as I did at the end of the workout but it was a close one. Needed a more powerful start but chalk that up to not being confident with this sequence but this is it


Unrack the bar with my legs while looking up, hips directly under the bar.Solid arm/shoulder tension on the bar


Load the bow. Keeping the legs lock lay back to load the front panel/bow with tension


Layback/press to the X to pull the trigger

It should have been 5 singles with 215 for an absolute PR but there was some glich  from the 225 miss

Then I made the next four. Not perfect lockouts but under the weight the whole time. which comes first

BW 175.4 at noon
BF 12.7 at noon post bath

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Another fast ruck

This really surprised me. Very quick and strong right out the gate. Also very crisp and cool this morning which also helped

Legs and lungs good as well as able to maintain some hard work the whole time

45 lb ruck

4.5 miles

9 laps


3.6 mph top speed 

Mental game strong



Saturday, November 18, 2023

48 kg One Arm Swings 20 x 5, 48 kg squats, 3 x 10, pullaparts

 Strong day, really  really like training like this, high sets and low reps. feels so strong and focused.

Plus much safer

48 kg belt squats 3 x 10

pullaparts 3 x 30


12.7 ( bath )

Thursday fast ruck


Just as I was moaning about being so slow for so long I have a fast one. Fast easy and strong! On a Thursday no less. Didn't hurt at all that it was finally cool and overcast

45 lbs

6 laps

3 miles

54 min

3.5-6 mph  ave



Bought a new pair of MacV2 ( second gen) with a bigger heel/outsole. Really hate rucking in the black ones, what can I say? Of course, I waited til rainy season started but we'll see

The black ones' get filthy on the regular

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

195 x 1 x11, 205 x 1, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8 , pushups 3 x 27

 I was pushing my hips too far forward at the start I found out.If I keep them there it doesnt let me hinge back from the belt, even if I try.

After set six I figured it out and the rest of the sets were much faster and better lines. finished with a strong 205


Monday, November 13, 2023

225 x X x 3, 205 x 1 x 5, laterals, rear delts 53 lb wt pushups

 Better than last week ( was in a decent groove) but just not right; barbell went slightly forward.
Flat out missed 215 in warmups but jumped anyway

Third attempt

It was the best one because it seems I wasn't laying back to initiate after the first one ( which I did right ,and ok) but pushing on the bar first

I'm so far back already it was hard to fall back more but I need to

I also noticed my elbows are vertical and this probably isnt helping


1) Set the arch

2) Elbows  up and spot  the X

3) Lay back as far as possible

4) FALL back and then press to X

last set of 205 which were all out of groove

14.3 4 am

Sunday Ruck

 Strong one!

45 lbs

9 laps

1:25 min

4.5 miles

10,000 steps

3.4 top speed

leg and lungs solid

Saturday, November 11, 2023

44 kg Swings 25 x 5, 44 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts

 This was strong. I really like this style of training, Fives are the perfect number lol. Except singles

Endurance felt strong this time than last but we were doing 6 reps last time

Same rest periods between sets : 1.6 min, Timed after the workout not during. We just went as we could strongly

Belt squats felt very strong today



Thursday Ruck

 Decent one

45 lbs

6 laps

55 min

3 miles

not cool but not hot

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

190 x 12 x 1 , 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8 floor pushups

 This went great. Really made sure to layback far on the first layback then realized that my glutes would automatically contract when I hit end range. I then tried to flex them when I thought I was at end range but it didn't work as well

if this works again and gives me a definitive marker as to how far to go back it will be a game changer. That's what happened monday, I didn't lay back enough and ended up too vertical

 then 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8

floor  pushups  27,25,25


Monday, November 06, 2023

225 miss twice 205 x 1 x 5

 This just sucked. Was completely  disconnected from my body  for some reason but have no excuse.the time change helped and I slept well and felt rested. wasn't sore and mentally  pretty  focused but basically drained from all the war and hate that's everywhere now

Just no clue what I did  wrong but it wasn't there. all the check points were made, just not the lifts. even the warmups were out in front

laterals rear delts and bodyweight  pushups

10.1 ( bath)

Sunday Ruck

 Strong one

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:25 ( WITH three dog stops lol)

10 k + steps



legs felt surprisingly good after yesterday AXE style swings

Saturday, November 04, 2023

AXE style training 40 kg swings 25 x 6,40 kg belt squat 3 x 10, pullaparts

 This felt great. Definitely had another 5 sets in me easy. Wasn't trying to go fast but it ended up at 1.6 min per set for just the two of us.

Very strong very comfortable with almost no dropoff in power at the end

belt squats felt good. trying to pause a bit more in the bottom and let the depth get better

172.6 !!

13.5 after a bath

57.6  need to hydrate

Friday, November 03, 2023

Thursday ruck

 Decent one. All the war news has me  pissed off so plenty of energy. Plus fall weather

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

55 min



Wednesday, November 01, 2023

190 x 1 x 12, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, floor pushups 3 x 25

 This  is just rolling right along. All the reps were damn near perfect save the first set when I lost the X when I pushed and lost it forward. SO it's KEY to stay  on the X at the start of the second layback

1) set the arch and find the X

2) lay back to max arch and stay on the X

3) lay back and press to the X

All very comfortable

Last thing to figure out is where to put the bar at the setup to ensure I spot the X at  exactly the same place each time. If I dont sometimes it's more forward and I get pulled forward

20 kg swings 5 x  8/8

floor pushups 3 x 25 

10.1 (  bath)

Monday, October 30, 2023

225 x 1 (16th) Best Press day ever

 Everything worked like a charm

Every rep the same and damn near perfect

I jumped from 205 to 225 and nailed it on the first try

Then five down sets with 205 and each rep was damn near perfect as well

I had decided to take three attempts with 225 if needed because making that lift is the key of the day

But it wasn't necessary

The key was laying back after setting the arch and really trying to go back as much as I could before pressing. The  seemed to really get everything tight and coiled; like in my old paused benches

Set the Arch

Layback as far as I can and spot the X

Layback and press to the X 

205 x 1 warmup


205 x 1 set 1

205 x 1 set 2

205 x 1 set 3

205 x 1 set 4

205 x 1 set 5

WOW~!  Blown away.

BW 173.6 
BF 15.0

12 noon
11.1 ( bath)

laterals rear delts 3  x 8/8 20's

wt parallette pushups
bw x 8
53 x 3 x 8

put  a star on this one

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Ruck

 Finally! A fast one. Didn't hurt one bit that it was 45 degrees and I slept great for a change. Good sleep is the magic elixir.

Also surprised that legs and lungs felt great after yesterdays. glycolytic fun fest

45 lb ruck

9 laps


10,203 steps

3.5 ave MPH



32 kg One arm swings 10 x 10/10, 32 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts

 Surprisingly strong one

and fast. less rest/ sets than last month on these.

belt squats



Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday Ruck

 Early one today, 9 am. cool and crisp literally perfect weather

45 lb

4 laps

2 miles

37 min



Wednesday, October 25, 2023

190 x 1 x 10, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, floor pushups

 This went very well. Definitely setting the arch ( loading the bow) in front of the bar is key but also is key not shifting forward after. I did this a couple sets and the bar wound up going forwards.

For the first set or so I FORGOT to layback after I set the arch, so intent I was on the setup! I'm getting old, can't remember more than one thing at a time

set 1

 came up too vertical and moved hips foward instead of laying back. Another thing I was doing was letting the bar get TOO LOW and that made it harder to lay back

set 2, pretty much shifted back instead of laying  back, before I did shift the hips but not right
set 3 great setup
set 4 PERFECT set up
set 5 another good one. I layback from the shoulders then on the second layback the hips drive fwd
set 6 bad one, chest shifted forward
set 7  good
set 9 perfect
set 10 perfect
20 kg swings  5 x 8/8

floor pushups 25, 25, 20

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Key takeaways from yesterdays two plate miss


1)  Set up with hips in front of bar (  Load the Bow)

2) Lay back and really focus on the X

3) Lay back and press to X and STAY focused on X




Monday, October 23, 2023

215x 1 two plates ( 225) close miss, 205 x 1 x 5, laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

 Setup wasn't perfect. Looking back now I see my hips weren't in front of the bar enough on the setup- took it way to lackadaisical in retrospect and wasn't near tight  enough. I was so focused on the second layback part I didn't load it right

Not TOO far off actually but at two plates there's literally no margin for error yet,

from 135- 195 no problem but it's so light I don't need the layback so no indicator

155 and 175 x 1 ok but prelude to being too vertica

195 good

205 x 1 but lost balance at top!

215 x 1 but out in front. not laying back enough plus the setup

then 225 miss, shocked it got this high
basically I didn't set the startup arch tight enough so I couldn't do the subsequent laybacks strongly

205 x 1 x 5 not perfect but decent



db laterals

rear delts 3 x 8/8 20s

parallettes pushups

bw x 8 ,32 x 8, 53 x 8 x 2

Sunday Ruck

 Good one. Determined to finish on time today and did, got it done in 1:25 or so lol, still slow but not as many 'doggo' stops lol

45 lbs

9 laps

4.5 miles


started at 6:30 in the dark. everything good from the start,actually surprised it wasn't faster

didn't even record my weight

172. something and bodyfat the same as I recall 14 something

Saturday, October 21, 2023

48 kg One arm swings 20 x 5, 40 kg belt squat 3 x 8, pullaparts 3 x 30

 This went surprisingly strong. Left deep hip rotators better (  a bit strained after Wednesdays press session.) Nothing serious but left side I guess is not used to keeping my hips extended as they need to be, and now are, in this new position

Release quadratus and active psoas helped

But the  swing wasn't effected and doing five is so much better for power output and focus

Height was as good as I've done it and I wasn't feeling THAT strong. Happy with this

Then, back to belt squats

these wet well too. tried and proven exercise that loads but doesn't tweak me is what I need these days


14.5 no bath

Friday, October 20, 2023

Thursday hot ruck

 Indian summer made it's reappearance and it was a sweet 91deg when I started. Surprisingly not bad except for the last lap and a half

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

57 min



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

190 x 1 x 10, Perfect. 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, floor pushups

 It HELD! The technique worked every single rep.Strong, easy and fluid. Couldn't be happier

190 x 1 x 10

13.4 4 am
9.5 !!!
61.1 ! PR

Monday, October 16, 2023

225 lb press # 15, 205 x 1 x 5 unbroken, laterals rear delts wt pushups

 Well this paid off very, very well. The technique ( and my mind) held and each rep was SOLID, And I even made all five down sets with 205 without messing up the last one and having to repeat it!

The technique is as it was on Wed,

Setup  on the X 


Layback press to the X

And the weight feels so much lighter this way  as the load is much more distributed, much like a low bar squat position

This was EPIC the best all around press workout EVER

laterals rear delts  3 x 8/8 with  20s

wt pushups
BW x 10
32 lbs x 8 x 3 sets

BW 174.6
BF 10.1
W 60.4 ( post bath, at 11:30 am)

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday walk

 Fibula feels ok just being cautious

9 laps

1:30 time

3 miles

fast paced at first then stopped to talk the war

felt  nice to just walk not ruck

all good

44 kg swings 16 x 5/5, TKE 4 x 15, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Fibula went back into place. Workout got done. Very pleased

Friday, October 13, 2023

Thursday ruck

 A decent one. All 3 miles for a change. Not slow not  fast. Not hot either, always helps

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

57 min



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

190 x 1 x 8, 205 x 1 x 2, 20 kg cleans 5 x 4/4 floor pushups 25,25 20

 Well this went GREAT!

I knew the layback press worked and is my strongest position( most close to my bench/incline) but HOW TO PULL THE TRIGGER

I figured it out! After I set up the layback,LAY BACK AGAIN AND PRESS. And, also, PRESS TO THE X ( that's what keeps it from going forward






I used Harry Paschalls idea of using 15% under my max and doing many singles to find the groove. this worked geat

Then  stressed tested it with 205. all still went great

20 kg cleans 5 x 4/4

floor pushups 25,25, 20



My Goal Metrics all together! first time ever

Monday, October 09, 2023

Max Press 205 -215-220 miss 225 miss

  Just back to square one,Again.

No trigger to pull. Set up as desired and just not there

decent grinds but no real understanding of what I'm trying to do

All good up to 215

135 x 3

155 x 3

175 x 2

195 x 1

205 x 1

205 x miss out in front

215 x 1 no lockout

220 x  miss

225 x miss actually better

205 x 1 x 4 but all over the place and a couple misses?! 



Sunday Ruck

 Not bad. Stressed about the war in Israel but got it in

45 lbs

4 miles

1:30 min

slow but steady. too long talking to alan and the huskies

legs felt  strong but a bit dehydrated



Friday, October 06, 2023

Thursday hot, hard slow ruck

 Missing last sundays ruck seemed to have a negative effect,lol.. this was tougher than expected but I got through it. the heat didn't bother me til the end but it was toasty, close to 90 deg and no breeze

slow too. 60 min for the three miles and lots of little breaks

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

60 min



Wednesday, October 04, 2023

160 x 5 x 3, x 3 x 3, 20 kg swings 5 x8/8, 32 lb wt pushups

 This went great. Lowering the weight to 160 was a good move. Then  after 3 sets of 5 and one set of 4 I realized/remembered why I stopped doing fives TOO HARD TO BREATHE  after three. Then I lose the groove and it's about muscle not technique and my left shoulder doesn't like that

I can hold my breath for 3 reps but not 4 so I'm changing it to 8 sets of 3, at basically 75% of max. So very Westside

I'll go up to  165 for that next week.

The key to the setup is to simulate the back arch I get on the negative rep. Set up with the hips in front like that and knees locked and then  arm drive. worked great

 swings 20kg x 5 x 8/8

wt pushups 3 x 10 32 lbs


Monday, October 02, 2023

195-215-205 , laterals, rear delts, bw pushups

 This went way better than I imagined it would.I wasn't that beat up from the move and swings yesterday and my energy was decent too.

Plus the technique worked. Again the more I really lock my knees before starting the press the better it goes, Why I can't seem to FORCE myself to do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I don't know but I'm guessing cause my legs are weak lol

But I didn't miss a rep all workout even the fifth  set of the five down sets but it wasn't perfect so I took another  one

started off with a thumbs wider false grip and the bar as high as possible on my clavicle
I could feel the  elbows flare earlier and my left shoulder didn't like it and I lowered the bar placement to RIGHT below the clavicle and brought my grip back in to just on the smooth and it worked great

Just unracked by looking up( not back) pushing up on the bar as I stand up and LOCK the knees ( or at least try  to ) and initiate the press with arms and shoulder and then driving under ( hips and chest) if it slows at mid point. worked great, really.

I also think I need to do more reps on the way to the max weight. In hindsight I can see I was TOO vertical at the unracking. That is the lesson the reps teach me; the optimal body position I get after the first rep.

I need to groove that more as I warm up
135 x 4

155 x 3

175 x 2

195  x 1

20 lb laterals rear delts  3 x 8

bw p bar pushups  3 x 10

14.5  better!

195 x 1 soft knees
205 x 1 decent
210 x 1 knees but decent too
215 x 1 strong! I stopped here
205 x 1 x 6  

28 kg swing 10 x 10/10, sandbag split squat 3 x 10, pullaparts 3 x 30


Had to train on Sunday as we closed out my studio on Palo Alto after a weird five years there, 3.5 that I did not inhabit thanks to covid bullshit. Not much to move but it's always sketchy  with my back and body doing that type of stuff

Pleased to report all went well but I stepped down in weight for the swings as I was tired and dehydrated. Smart move. Had to skip the ruck but not a problem; got PLENTY of walking and carrying in on Saturday

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Thursday Ruck

 Totally distracted. On business call for half the ruck, never got a rhythm. Only 5 laps, 2.5 miles

Not great at all but it got done

45 lbs

5 laps

2.5 miles

3.2 mph ave



Wednesday, September 27, 2023

New approach ( again). 165 x 3 x 5,2 x 3, 20 kg swings, laterals rear delts

 Interesting workout. Low on sleep( dog) so not super strong but the weights moved well and I learned a lot.

Came close to mimicking my last work with this style and weight. Felt very natural

Put the bar up very high on clavicle. Felt great but left shoulder didn't like it when I didn't bring the bar low enough on the third rep of the second set and the bones kind of shuddered their way across the rep

Too high off the chest with a wrapped thumb and a close grip let my elbow flare too soon.

Switched to false grip and all was good.

Also think I have to move my grip out just a thumb's width too; just one finger off the smooth. with the layback style I could have it closer because of the arch and more lats

Have to remember NOT to not touch  the chest on each rep. Better to pause than mess with the shoulder

But simply looked up ( not back ) to unrack and just stood up , locked the knees ( need to still get this stronger) then simply drove the bar up with arms and shoulders. When it started to slow drive the TORSO ( NOT just the hips) forward as the old video shows

Much more upright throughout and a much  closer to actual overhead finish position

Re reading  Brooks Kubiks Dinosaur Press book Ike Bergers technique reads the same way

Good company

95 x 3
155 x 2
165 x 5 x 3
       x 3 x 2

Very please with this first effort and my conditioning, while not bad, has wee bit to go. Pretty  short rest/sets too just the three man rotation


Monday, September 25, 2023

205,210 212, 205 x 1 x 5

 This sucked. Felt good and weight was up so  no excuse except the technique, Load the Bow, again didn't work. But I think I finally figured out why: It's just like sumo. When I'm all stretched out to the max I have no trigger to pull to get my press started

No power. Just leverage. But, just like in my deadlift, that's not enough.

I always need speed; acceleration or I have nothing. Slow grind never works for me.

So back to the drawing board. But, another revelation: I've been trying to find the right groove with singles only but I'm doing no eccentrics, no negatives- which literally 'trace' the groove and show you the correct bar path. Also have to put the bar as high as possible on the neck. I think this sets the groove now. Also, wrap the thumb again

This what happened today

175 x 1 good
195 x 1 good
205 x 1 out in front

205 x 1, 210 x 1 x 2 meh not real lockouts, 212 x Miss twice  again at lockout. NO power
then 205 x 1 x 5   made them but not good

 side and rear laterals 3 x8/8 20s



Wednesday, September 20, 2023

215 make, 220 miss 205 x 1 x 4, 20 kg swings

 Close but no cigar. Over corrected BUT the base idea/technique is right. Lay back WITH the bar then press. Last week I arched too hard at the start and didn't leave myself anywhere to lay back. Today I was too upright and instead of leaning back enough I did up and down which lead to soft knees which lead to bar out in front

But it was the first time over 205 with this technique so I'm not displeased,

155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1 ( ugly)
215 x 1 meh
220 miss ( way too rushed)
205 x 1 x 4 all solid then missed the 5th one :(

Have to unrack with more, but not maximal, arch. then lay back with the bar tightly. Freefalling doesn't work. I need to build more tension and find the precise layback angle to press from. Not too slow, though, either
The arch  needs to go back,, not down

14.0 at 4 am

59.9 at 12 noon

Monday, September 18, 2023

155-195-180 pyramid layback press, laterals, rear delts, bar pushups

 It took me awhile to reverse engineer what I did so naturally just a few weeks ago then promptly forgot

I have to layback WITH the bar. 

What I  was doing (wrong) was trying to lay  back but pushing the bar up almost at the same time

When I go back with the bar 1) it helps me go back as my upper body is now super weighted and 2) when I hit that layback spot and THEN pushing up it counterweights me and keeps from losing my balance backwards

Took me a bunch of sets 65-155 and back down to figure it out


155 x 1 x 2
165 x 1 x 2
175 x 1 x 2
185 x 1 x 2 these weren't great timing wise
190 x 1 x 2 same
195 x 1 x 2 now it's locking in
185 x 1 x 2
180 x 1 x 2

laterals/rear delts  x 3 x 8 20s

bodyweight pushups on parallettes


Sunday Ruck

 Really solid one. Legs and lungs felt good, nice fallish day, cool, overcast and slight  breeze

45 lb ruck

9 laps

4.5 mile

1:23  min

3.5 mph ave


14.5 !

Saturday, September 16, 2023

44 kg one arm swings 16 x 5/5, 24 kg goblet squats 3 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Strong day, surprisingly. Lot on my mind and was not mentally solid but the body felt good and the groove took hold

Power, bell height and strength endurance throughout the entire 16 sets was very strong

24 kg goblets
3 x 5 backing off after last weeks 40 kg and adding in some reps. felt good

pullaparts 3 x 30  still suck

172.4 !!


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

165-195 pyramid technique practice, 20 kg swings, BW pushups

 Well this started off all wrong. Did exactly what I thought I did last week- layback first then press and it was all over the place.

Wasn't till I locked in and pushed my hip forward FIRST that my upper body went back and I was under it.

SO FUCKING WEIRD. Still ended up rushing it but the levers, and the timing was right





135 x 2 x 2
155 x 2 x 2
165 x 2 x 2

175 x 2 x 2 now it's starting to gel

185 x 1 x 2 strong timing
190 x 1 x 2 not right though
175 x 1 x 2 spot on!

195 x 1 best one yet
20 kg swing 4 x 8/8

wt paralettes pushups 3 x 15



Monday, September 11, 2023

215, 220, 215,

 This went well although differently than expected. I meant to layback, then press, but even from the lightest weights Glenn said I was laying and pressing simultaneously which was not the technique.

Even with conscious trying I couldn't lay back far enough as last wednesday

Looking back now it seems last week I layed back and pushed my hips forward at the same time although that wasn't conscious . Could be I was looser on a wednesday than after a heavy weekend training

Other than that the  weights moved ok. Anytime I  make 100 kg it's good

135, 155, 175, 195 x 1

then 205
an ugly but strong 215

215 downset the best rep of the day
then three good sets with 205

then laterals, rear delts and wt pushups ( up to 25 x 10)


Sunday Ruck

 Surprisingly strong. Legs and lungs opened up fast, and I got into the groove pretty  quickly. This has been happening more regularly and it would be great if it continues. SO much nice to get in the zone right away

45 lb ruck

9 laps

4.5 miles

1:20 min

3.4 ave mph



only one dog stop and the rest was steady state

Saturday, September 09, 2023

40 kg one arm swings 20 x 5/5, 40 kg goblet squat, pullaparts

 Actually felt pretty good going into this. Decent nights sleep, all parts attached. Not sore

Mental focus  stiff rough  but actually better today than of late and 20 sets with the 40 is just damn hard work no matter how you slice it

But it was strong, powerful at a brisk pace and no drop off in power. this technique/groove that I have now has been as consistent a groove as I've had in forever.Really  working the  standing plank to let the bell float more and the result is a higher swing with no upper body involvement

Just patience at the lockout

I also think of it as lockout leg training for my press

then goblets

24 x 3
32 x 3
40 x 3

pullaparts 3 x 30 still hard



Friday, September 08, 2023

Thursday Ruck

 Not cool but not hot either. decent all the way around

45 lb ruck

6 laps

4 miles

56 min



Wednesday, September 06, 2023

195-205-185 New/Old Layback technique

 This was a very interesting workout. Pretty much had no idea what I was going to do going in. Pretty  much tried everything three times and nothing seems to work consistently

I was going through my YouTube PR press videos and organizing/cleaning up the playlist when I found this old technique

It seems I layed back  first then immediately drove into the press. Laying back first seems to activate the forward hip  drive

Tried it today and it worked very well

1) false grip

2) stand up lock out looking at X

3) layback and when I hit terminal position immediately press

The only slow reps I had were the ones where I pushed my hips forward first instead of laying back OR did not lay back enough before starting to press (making me too vertical)

20 kg swings 4 x 8/8

parallel bar pushups 3 x 10
 need to put these back in


175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...