Monday, December 18, 2023

205 x 1 x 8, laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

 Knee is 85%+ better but didn't want to push it today so just did 205 for a bunch of singles to grease the groove and it was a good idea.

This is so solid. THIS is the position I've been trying to get into for the last 6 plus years since I stopped walking it out and got in the rack

It lets me set up with my hips exactly where I need them to be at the start of the press and my knees don't come into play at all. Feels very natural and except for the third rep ( where I dropped my head and it went forward all reps were basically the same

I was shorting the  hip set up a bit in the mid sets as I didn't want to load the knee but the reps weren't as good so the last three sets I pushed them forward more and it gave me the best sets of the day

laterals rear delts 3 x 8/8 20s

wt pushups


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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...