Monday, October 02, 2023

195-215-205 , laterals, rear delts, bw pushups

 This went way better than I imagined it would.I wasn't that beat up from the move and swings yesterday and my energy was decent too.

Plus the technique worked. Again the more I really lock my knees before starting the press the better it goes, Why I can't seem to FORCE myself to do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I don't know but I'm guessing cause my legs are weak lol

But I didn't miss a rep all workout even the fifth  set of the five down sets but it wasn't perfect so I took another  one

started off with a thumbs wider false grip and the bar as high as possible on my clavicle
I could feel the  elbows flare earlier and my left shoulder didn't like it and I lowered the bar placement to RIGHT below the clavicle and brought my grip back in to just on the smooth and it worked great

Just unracked by looking up( not back) pushing up on the bar as I stand up and LOCK the knees ( or at least try  to ) and initiate the press with arms and shoulder and then driving under ( hips and chest) if it slows at mid point. worked great, really.

I also think I need to do more reps on the way to the max weight. In hindsight I can see I was TOO vertical at the unracking. That is the lesson the reps teach me; the optimal body position I get after the first rep.

I need to groove that more as I warm up
135 x 4

155 x 3

175 x 2

195  x 1

20 lb laterals rear delts  3 x 8

bw p bar pushups  3 x 10

14.5  better!

195 x 1 soft knees
205 x 1 decent
210 x 1 knees but decent too
215 x 1 strong! I stopped here
205 x 1 x 6  

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...