Saturday, April 21, 2007

Solo Mojo.

Training solo this AM and it always amazes me how much more I can get done by myself than when I train with others. Much easier to fall into a rythym and just keep it going on your own pace than the stop start staccato when you have to take others into account. Especially when they are not doing the exact same workout as you. Also got to start earlier today which is always good. Love it when the caffeine and the swings hit at the same time,lol.

One arm swings( non continuous)
16 kgx10-10x2

32 kg x8-8
x10-10x11 sets
238 reps
17,136 pounds

New pr for one arm swings with the two pood. Rested 30-45 sec between each arm and each set. Form felt great and bells went chest height and above each rep.Pretty tired from all the volume in the last few weeks but this is the peak; going to taper down this week to get ready for the cert. Want to be fresh for that.

Clean, press, windmill(l)
16 kgx5x2
24kg x3
x5x2 ( took me a little to unkink the hips,lol)
Snatch holds (R)
16kg x30 sec x2
24 kg x 45 sec
x60 sec x2 ( this is tougher alone,lol)


Face pulls
4x12 heavy

not bad. whole thing took just about an hour including warmup.

datsit, gotta stretch.


Royce said...

I hate trying to do to different workouts at the same time. It always throws me off. Most of the time I don't even want my kids watching me workout. I have to switch back and forth from workout mode to daddy mode.

Good luck at the cert! You still going to walk to the cert from the hotel??

Peace dude.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, we'll see. I'll probably do it sunday.its three long days on my feet and training and first priority is what the knee will take. Have to work monday too but I think its going to be good. even better than last cert, which was good.

Royce said...

Right on, I would use the old Broadway expression and say "break a leg" so I don't jinx you. Somehow I don't think you would find that at all funny.
So good luck. I hope youe knee holds out!!

Joe Sarti said...

Nice Rif with the volume on the 32kg. Impressive. All the swinging has truly brought up your strength and conditioning....says a lot about the simplicity of the swing and kettlebells, great work. And nice post on Knee-hab and stretching.

Christine said...

Love it when the caffeine and the swings hit at the same time,lol.

When the timing is good, it's a beautiful thing!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...