Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Never Quit.

Especially on the days when you want to quit the most. And never before you start the workout, you never know when the training gods are going to shine upon you.
Today was such a day. I have been up since 3 am( don't ask me why but I always wake up an hour before my alarm is set,not matter when it is.Sucks.) and just had no juice. Lollygagged around after I got home and basically tried to stall as long as possible as I just didnt think I had much in me and today was speed day with the 24 kg. Didnt feel real speedy. Monday's million freakin reps must have taken something out of me and when I looked back and saw I did 300 Darcs last time I did this workout I was Not encouraged.

I was hoping for a solid 200. Little did I know.

16kg x20x2 sets

24 kgx20 x 19 sets!
380 reps
20,140 lbs! *( oops, there it is,lol. 20k)

When I ran and raced bikes I always ran negative splits. Which means I finish the last half of the race or training ride faster than I started. Many time much faster. Today was the same and the last half of the sets were so much better and easier than the first half I can't almost believe it was the same workout!
Smart move to stay with 20 reps on the day instead of the 30 I did last time. Focus is on bell speed and power not endurance. That's mondays ;).
Staying under lactate levels my recovery just gets better each set and this is what happend today. Started feeling really good around 150 reps and the rest time was cut in half. Now I HATE to watch the clock during workouts but I know I was getting back to the bell much faster, not sitting down and not feeling winded at all. My lungs had opened and the swinging was easy.
So after I did 200 I thought 260 sounded good. Blew past that and saw 300 easily in the sights.
Kept feeling better and killed 320, 340, then I did the math and saw that 380 would give me a 20,000 pound workout and knew I had to do that.
Thought for a sec about doing 400 just because but decided not to get greedy and leave some in the tank. Still had waiters walks to do.
Never quit,especially before you start.

Waiters walks
16 kg
100 foot per arm
200 feet per lap
5 laps/ 100 feet

Suitcase farmers walks with 16 kg
100 feet per arm
1000 feet CONTINUOUS! PR!

Switched hands each 100 feet. This was very easy all of a sudden!

Face Pulls
3x12 -heavier here too. bumped up the weight. excellent.

BW 162.4
BF 9 %
Water 60.7%

Wow, very, very pleased with this workout. ANd man I felt like death before it.You never know.This is the last hard week before I taper a bit for the cert. Want to be fresh for all that time on my feet.

Datsit, gotta stretch.


Royce said...

me sitting down in awe.......

380 reps focusing on speed~!!!!!!! Damn dude! Rock the hell on!!

Royce said...

Man I bet you feel like a million bucks right now!

Mark Reifkind said...

man I do! I love it when this stuff happens.thanks

D Silveri said...

Gotta love those days when you feel like trash! Then after you just kicked butt, you can REALLY hit the couch and relax

Christine said...

That's awesome! Congrats on the PR. And I hear ya on the feeling like crap before a workout. There's always that little voice going... take it easy today, give in, sit on the couch Always nice to tell it to go **** itself :)

Mark Reifkind said...

dustin, thanks man it definitely makes you feel you earned your food.

christine, yes, absolutely. I can never, ever ask myself if I feel like training that day. Never even ask. Just go.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...