Or I would be in trouble,lol. weighed in at a beefy 164 before todays workout with pretty much the same BF % as I have had for the last few months, 8.9%. I have a definite increase in upper body mass with my pecs, arms(!?), delts and abs exhibiting thickness I havent felt since I was a powerlifter a few years ago.My back seems to be tolerating it so far. Just have to stay stretched out and stay out of flexion.
I dont want to get too much heavier as its easier on my knee and back to be lighter, even if I am less strong.But its fun :)) Reminds me of the old days.
Playing consistently now with the two pood has to be part of it as well . Its a LOT heavier and harder the 24 kg by ALOT.Much more balance and stabilization required as well as shear white fiber force.Much less room for error. Gotta concentrate more, too.
Compared to the snatch the increased muscle tension I get from swinging is very noticeable.Especially as the bell goes head height and above.Maintaining contact and connection to the belland through the floor and not overcontrolling it is very tricky.Cool shoes.Plus having shorter, more power driven sets is helping hit some white fiber too, which is nice.Havent been able to do THAT in quite awhile.
Also,with the swing my abililty to keep my elbow straight througout the full ROM has helped unload that joint as well as the biceps/ shoulder right up the road.
My training volume is consistently higher as well ;as much because I am not going through down time because of my shoulder. Plus, its easier to get higher numbers with swings than snatches as you can easily do more swings.I can feel a lot more upper back stabilization from the top end of the swing reps as well and thats a good thing.
Also,knew today was going to be 2 ,100 rep sets and was not looking forward to it but knew it had to be done.
One arm swings with 16 kg
total reps =370
total pounds=13,320
Not bad . Did the first set by myself as Joe was late. Second set was much easier.High reps by yourself suck.But the first hundred reps was much easier than it has been and the second as well. The last set of 80 could have been 70- but felt good.I like swings better than DARCS;its easier to maintain the connection to the bell with the swings than letting go and resetting each rep.Its all good though :))
Recovery between sets getting much better as well. DOnt feel like I want to puke at all,lol :))
Snatch holds
16 kgx30s ec
x45 sec
x60 sec
x60 sec
rack walks with 20 kg
200 feet per arm
one lap= 400 feet
1200 feet total 3 laps
these were easier than last week, rack position improved.tired though.
BW 164!
BF 8.9%
Water 60.7%
datsit ,gotta stretch.
"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
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155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls
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Sweet! Your conditioning keeps getting better. You GPP must be insane :)
Rock on Rif. I have to totally agree with you swings simply are the shit. They strengthen the abs and posterior chain so much. I gained so much usuable strength just from ETK. I mean my PL moves are way stronger because of swings and presses. No matter what else I accomplish in my life I will never stop swinging.
Your numbers kick butt man, I would puke with some of those sets!!!
thanks Franz, I'm actually surprised I am getting such a bump from the volume. I think the key was letting myself use the 16 kg and really focus on duration rather than load. after saturdays outings with the 32kg its actually not so hard to play with the 16!
I am amazed at what just the swing is doing to my body. that and the holds.incredible.thanks man
That is a puke inducing workout. Swings are the shiznit, for sure. :)
lift like a girl. thanks. I didnt see pukie and I'm glad. never did like training to throwing up :))
reps and endurance( as you must know from gs) is about pacing and allowing oneself to 'just suffer'.Its a totally different thing than max tension heavy lifts ( as you also must know from powerlifting).
it's taken me a bit to get used to using both hi power and hi reps but its getting easier.
"just suffer" -- that's funny I always remind myself when I'm doing snatches that "it's only 10 minutes" and can't be any worse than running laps at football practice.
The Swing is King. Long live the King baby. I have designed the snatch workout as per Pavel's order and would like to pass it on to you.
What is the best email add. to reach you at?
I know what your saying about staying lighter to help with your joints.. im only 24 and my knee is not always to nice to me, but im trying to slim down to be a bit nicer to it.
injuries suck! I know if I had kettlebells before I got hurt it never would have happened! Thats a fact
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