Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day two RKC

One of the tension drills in the workout
My first presentation as a Senior instructor. Another drill to teach total body tension.
David Whitley with a two hands anyhow with the BEAST overhead and a two pood.It was too easy!
Mark help Naina( sounds like banana,lol) learn the loaded clean

Man I forgot how long the days are at the cert! even if you are teaching and not doing the five million reps the students have to do its a very long day in the sun. But what a great day. It was amazing to see just how much my team improved from just yesterday. By the end of the brutal day their form and technique was exponetially better.

I taught a segment on Tension and Srength, taught a workout based on those concepts as well as taught the Press portion.I loved it and got good feedback for my presentation.Such a difference than my normal one on one teaching. Very cool stuff.Here's some pictures,sorry I didnt get any up yesterday but the video of Will wouldnt convert and I ran out of time this morning.


Royce said...

Very cool stuff man. How are the joints holding up? Sounds like you're having a blast. I'm glad.

Taikei Matsushita said...

Thanks for the updates on RKC cert Rif. This is inspiring me alot than you can ever imagine.
I may be repeating this few times, but will be there soon.

Mark Reifkind said...

royce, the knee feels ok, thanks for asking.its standing around for the 12 hours that hurts it more than anything.Am definitely having a great time.


you are welcome man, you are going to have a great,albeit painful time.remember to train LOTS of swings and GPP stuff.the 'victims" do more work in one day than most do in a month of their normal kb training.

Aaron Friday said...

I don't want to be inappropriate, but that woman on her hands is in your picture is beautiful. If I sign up for the RKC, what are the odds that I could meet her? I'd like to ask her out for steak and pizza.

It was a real pleasure to meet you and Tracy this weekend.

Mark Reifkind said...


I would say you would have a very good chance with her,lol.and she is as strong as she is beautiful so you better watch your p's and q's.
Likewise, it was great to meet and have dinner with you two.

Franz Snideman said...


Wish I could of heard you speak.Perhaps next time.


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz, in June and September for sure.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...