Friday, April 13, 2007

Awesome Old School Olympic Lifting Video

Much Thanks to Randy Hauer for finding this. Lots of Russian Special exercises and perfect teshnik for demonsration. Plus the ever elusive Adidas Black Olympic lifting shoes! Sure wish they still made these,lol.


Royce said...

awesome man. they were kettlebelling!!! the old skool universal machine was a trip too.

NEGATIVE DL's!!! crazy.

Christine said...

Anyone speak ruskie? I'd love to know what the narator is saying. :)

Randy Hauer said...

Hey Rif...not my find...that's another Randy on the DD forum...seriously. I wish I could take credit for it but I can't.
Randy Hauer

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks randy H and to the randy that posted this on DD>

Anonymous said...

The video is not Russian it's Polish, awesome stuff like front lunges, jumping squats, and interesting equipment at the end, like the good morning machine and those huge kettlebells.

Unknown said...

This video is the Polish Weightlifting team tape that was available I think fron the NSCA back in the 1980's. We used to watch it at the training center in Colorado...Hey man, great site and I really like your candid and honest opinion on all things lifting and the everyting that goes with it...Makes me want to lift again!

John Kline

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...