After Mondays DARC marathon and last weeks overreach with 30 rep sets I decided to really focus on high force and low rep sets on the swings today.I did each arm separately and did 10 rep sets with as much compensatory acceleration as possible, as well as sitting deeper than I did on Saturday.45 sec rest, then the other arm.Each set took about 15 seconds so a 1:1.5 ratio.
Good to see my swing on video and even though it worked fine for the reps and the power was good I think getting a wee more knee bend will help,lol.So thats what I did today.
This is what I'm good at: going hard for a short set, getting a decent amount of recovery and doing many sets.AS long as I stay out of lactate I'm good.POwer and force output stay high and I can do many sets. If I go hard into lactate I get one good set then I'm finished. If I want to do high reps I have to really pace myself and moderate the force.BUt this is fun stuff! Reminds me of box squat and bench speed days.
One arm swings with 24 kg
warmup: 16 kg x5/5/5/5x2
30 sec rest
30 sec restx 14 sets
280 reps
14,840 lbs
Lots and lots of great power and accelearation for each set. KB swung to head hihg and some higher each rep. Really staying linked to the bell throughout the whole arc, much like swinging hi bar. Just enough tension to stay linked but not too much.Lots more time to root this way plus thats where the upper body growth is coming from, I now know.Can feel it in the reps.
Waiters walk with 16 kg
100 foot per arm
200 feet per lap
5 laps/1000 feet
Suitcase farmers walk with 16kg
200 feet per arm
400 feet per lap
2 laps
1800 total feet.
Face pulls
BW 162.8
BF8.4% ( there we go)
Water 61.9% ( lowest in ages)
Going deeper on the swings was good.Added a new stretch to my Rifga practice, a power squat stretch with a stick in the low rack position. An extension of my sumo squat frog squat stretch I do each day but with the bar on my back. Gets my shoulder really stretched out at the same time working on my knee and hip opening. Perfect. Plus I get to pretend I can still power squat,lol!
Basically the Ed Coan squat position. Love it.
datsit, gotta stretch.
1 comment:
awesome work Rif, I like the concept and lets figure something like this out for me with my goals in mind.
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