Sunday, April 22, 2007


This is the movie that sealed the deal on me bodybuilding. They guy had something no one else had or has had since. Freaky.


Christine said...

He did have an amazing body... I don't follow bodybuilding too closely, but there's no one else that looks like him!

Mark Reifkind said...

no it is true. even after all these years and all the growth hormone monsters arnold was/is still the best built man of all time.

Royce said...

Yes! His symetry was awesome. He kinda has/had it all. Brains, charisma, creativity, and a hell of a body.

Franz Snideman said...


I agree. Arnold in the movie Pumping iron was beyond motivating!

There has never been anyone else like him!

Authentic Strength Training said...

Takin' us WAAY back Rif! I love it.

Mark Reifkind said...

to my roots baby, to the roots!

Royce said...

The american powerlift evolution site seems to have gone under. Very sad, that site was way cool.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...