Saturday, May 26, 2007

Strong is Good.

one 24kg and one 16 kg

2x24 kg. The setup for the second hand was the hardest part,lol

Still pumped up from that Danish RKC video I got some fun stuff in today that I havent even thought of trying in months! Got the basic part of the workout done and then played around with a bunch of 'tricks' that I saw on the video.It went very, very well,suprisingly enough :))

Around the body pass/around the knees pass/ figure eights
8kg for two sets of 8 or so each move
12 kg for two sets of 8
16kg for two sets of 8

I LOVE this move.Reminds me everytime of swinging side horse in gymnastics. I will play around with more H2H from now on as a warmup.


72x20x10 sets
200 reps
14,400 lbs
Havent played with the two pood in a few weeks and I was tentative. It warmed up well and the last half of the sets my groove was back.

2 KB, One arm swing
2 12 kgx 5/5 ( 24 kg)
1 16 kg and 1 12 kg x5/5 ( 28 kg)
1 24 kg and 16x 5/5 (40 kg)
2 24 kg x6/6 ( 48 kg!- this is a PR)
I have done this before and it feels very good to me. It shortens the lever arm when I swing and it seems almost easier for me! I also ALWAYS feel my hips more with this version. FUn too. The grip is no problem but getting it started( as is evident in the video,lol) is another story. I'm sure I could work up to the 32 and the 24 kg (56 kg).
This also makes Kenneth Jays double Beasts ( 2 48 kg=96 kg!) look like another Galaxy away.

Snatch Holds
24kgx 60 sec x 3 sets
this is getting much better,both in overhead position for my right shoulder and the endurance.

Two kb, one hand presses
2 8 kg x5/5
2 12 kg x 5./5
2 16kg x 3 left
2 12 kg x 3 right
this was suprisingly alright on my right shoulder. the raised center of gravity was easier on the joint. very interesting!Another good find.

Open Palm presses( waiters press)
12 kg x5/5
this also felt good on the shoulder pressing. we'll see. I like the open palm, it helps stretch out my always tight forearms

Face pulls

datsit! Good one. gonna stretch.


Royce said...

KICK ASS Rif!!, Those 2 kb one hand swings are awesome!! Good to see the pressing in there! KB's are just so dang versitile.

BJ Bliffert said...

Good Stuff Mark!

Quick Question, under the mat you're swinging on did you make a platform? It's hard to tell but it look as though you have a sheet or two of plywood, yes?

Good to read you shoulder are cooperating, mine aren't. I'm checking my ego and re-grooving my press w/ the 16kg.

Enjoy the weekend, Kori says, "HI!"


Mark Reifkind said...

hi Bj

yes the platform is two 3/4" sheets of plywood screwed together with the mat screwed down over that. works great.
you out ot try the two kb press and or the leverage presses to see if they help.
I still can't beleive how good the two kb press felt otday. gonna do it again monday to see if it holds true then.

tell kori I say hi back.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks royce, nice to be able to press abit too.

Zach Even - Esh said...


would you be up for an interview at

If so, please shoot me an e mail at and I'll e mail you questions.

Looking forward!


zach even - esh

Mark Reifkind said...

mail sent zach

Guarden said...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. You are an animal. Cool swings, and nice setup *LOL*

Mark Reifkind said...

lol jacob, thanks. the more I tired to figure out how to balance the 2 24's the worseit got! I know I can do the 32 and the 24 soon. then 2 32s!
got to build up my 'tricks' for the danish cert!

Guarden said...

hehehehe... yeah. Looking forward to see what kind of insane moves you will do at the cert. I will see if I can build up a bodyweight no-hand TGU (80 kg). Grrrrrrrr

Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't another fast and strong one! 35...