Monday, May 14, 2007

Great new blog!

Doug Nepodal, RKC and Team Leader has a great new blog out. Doug is the real deal, both as an athlete and an instructor and has a great eye,something you can't buy.Enjoy!


Aaron Friday said...


I read Doug's blog, and it is good. He appears to be a genuine student of physical culture, with a desire to spread the good word.

I miss your fish picture. It made me calm. The bushi scares me.

Mark Reifkind said...

yea I missed it too. Its my next tattoo base design.

Aaron Friday said...

Dude! Thanks! You made me happy just now.

Mark Reifkind said...

no problem, I like it better too. Just need to get another tat soon,lol!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...