Sunday, May 13, 2007

Chek on Chek

Very interesting piece done by Paul on Paul on T Mag magazine:


Christine said...

The guy right beside you may be a protein type. On the other side you might have a carb type. Yet you're sitting at a seminar in the year 2006 where they're telling you an athlete should eat 70% carbohydrate and only 30% fat and protein for best performance! And who's sponsoring the conference? Fuckin' Gatorade!

LOVE IT! I love people that drink Gatorade! My question is always "Are you training for a marathon?"

Mark Reifkind said...

lol,he is a character, but you can't dispute his intellect.

Aaron Friday said...

Mark, that article, and Chek, are absolutely brilliant! Thank you for providing the link.

Talking about food, digestion, poop and toxins, he reminds me of a modern-day Lionel Strongfort. He's reviving the things that were good about physical culture in the old days; a wholistic view and a lot of common sense borne by experience and paying attention.

THIS is why I'm attracted to physical culture.

Royce said...

A Lot of info there. I'm still processing it.

Mark Reifkind said...

guys, if you think he is sharp in that article you should here him lecture! He has a freakish, encyclopedic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etc, and authors and citations right at the tip of his tongue.
Chek changed my life back then as much as Pavel has in the last three years. as I said, if it weren't for chek and his insights I might never have even got to Pavel and kbs.
He has gone a bit off the deep end of late focusing more on spiritual solutions to things than physical but hey, how long can pound the same nail?
I owe him a serious debt of thanks.

M. H. said...

I think Chek might be changing my life too. Thanks for introducing me to him. I owe you a great big thanks.:)

Chris said...

I think Chek is great, especially his focus on the primal movement patterns. Some stuff is a bit wierd though. I have his book "Eat Move and Be Healthy" which is realy good overall, but the chapter on poop cracks me up, especialy when he has the cartoon line up of different types of turd.

Aaron Friday said...

Chris, I ordered that book last night. I'm glad he didn't leave out the poop chapter.

Mark Reifkind said...

aaron, you spend a lot of time in your lower chakras eh?

Aaron Friday said...


The only reason I eat is so I can poop, because it feels so good.

That, and because I get hungry.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...