Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ok so you THINK you have strong legs?

LOL!Just freaky strong

and this is just CRAZY!


Royce said...

That is FREAKIN crazy, WOW.

Jim Ryan said...

Is it an odd coincidence that your previous blog was titled:
taking the bell for a walk?" Talk about taking a walk!!

I was scared just watching him, especially when the little kid showed up in the 2nd video. About how much weight was that? (unfamiliar with those new octagonal plates)

Taikei Matsushita said...

Just around 600 lbs of lunges?
That's something.

Christian D. said...

Who is this guy? Some football player or just a strong dude? When he's walking with that weight it looks like it doesn't even phase him.

Christine said...

I saw this, and my first thought was "oh my god his knee caps!" but then my meathead side kicked in and I went "wiiiiiiiiiiicked!"

Mark Reifkind said...

yes that was just a happy coincidence. and that kid showing up was weird! seriously strong guy though.bodybuilders do some amazing strength/rep things though they usually get little credit for being strong.

chris, he's a bodybuilder


Looks like he's built up to that over time,thats nothing you just decide to do on a whim,eh? lol.

Franz Snideman said...

psycho! but still cool to watch!

hou said...

seriously strong guy though.bodybuilders do some amazing strength/rep things though they usually get little credit for being strong.
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