Friday, May 12, 2006

Terry - 2x25kg Snatch-Press-Front Squat Combo | London Kettlebells

Terry - 2x25kg Snatch-Press-Front Squat Combo London Kettlebells

Great Kettlebelll video site! London Kettlebells.


Joe Sarti said...

I used this combo with my class and they loved. I mixed one bell and made them do one snatch transfer and repeat, one squat, transfer and repeat and 1 press transfer and repeat in addition to the combo listed. Fun and a good butt kicker since they have the additional cleans with each.

Have a great workout today

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks. 168 snatches for today. 4 series of 6/6,7/7,8/8/
200 should be up soon.

195 x 1 x 3, 205 x 1, 220 x 3/4, 215 x 1, 205 x 1 x 5, wt pushups sides and rears

 I think I might need to make wednesday the heavy day. I felt "Ok" today but kind of flat. Again. In fact, I can't remember wh...