Sunday, May 28, 2006

Snatch progressions

This is my three month chronology of snatch progressions:

Saturday 5/27 200 reps with 53!

Saturday 5/20 170 reps with 53

Wednesday 5/17 108 reps with 36#

Saturday 5/13 168 reps with 53

Saturday May 6 144 reps with 53

Monday may 1 108 reps with 53

Monday 4/24 100 reps with 53

Saturday 4/15 50 reps with 53 ,108 reps with 44#

Saturday 4/8 158 reps with 53

Saturday 4/1 148 reps with 53

Saturday 4/25 120 reps with 53

Saturday 4/18 1oo reps with 53

Saturday 4/13 180 reps with 44

Monday 3/6 120 reps with 53

Saturday 3/3 100 reps with 53

This was just instinctive, no set in stone prior planning.

bw 161.4
bf 9.6%

the leaness continues.


Tommy Shook said...

Nice work with the snatches and congrats on meeting your goal of 200.
Stay strong!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks tom,now I just have to get it done under 30 minutes.

Franz Snideman said...

Just shows what is possible steady progression. Mike Mahler and Pavel really hit that home during their workshop a week ago. It's good to try new things but not at the expense of abandoning the BASICS. Keep the big things the big things!!! Snatches, presses, swings, cleans, pull ups.....basics!!!

Great Job Rif!

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...