Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Ruck

 Slow start but decent one. Sidetracked by close encounters with doggos this week but between the pets the lap times were good

Not too sore from yesterdays big bells too

Gait feels really good, as do legs and lungs, able to stride out pretty early  in the ruck

Not too hot with  an occasional breeze

45 lb ruck

9 laps


ave speed 3.5 mph



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32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...