Sunday, July 30, 2023

The last 60 kg one arm swings, 60 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 I've decided to stop swinging the 60 kg. At least for the foreseeable future. It's been five years(!) now at it and I can't say it's not getting better, because it is; it's just that it's starting to concern me more and more that I'm going to tweak something in the process and, frankly, it's just not worth it.

I gave up the 68 for the same reason and now it's time to retire the 60 as well. It was a strong last session tho and I'm happy about that. It's just more about raw strength now than anything else and I really don't need to be that strong. The 48 is plenty heavy enough

The New Macro Cycle
week one : 32 kg 10 sets of 10/10

week two : 40 kg 20 sets of 5/5

week three: 44 kg 16 sets of 5/5

week four 48 kg 20 sets of 5 ( one arm at a time)

going to a Pavel'esque technique of just training one arm at at time I think will really let me concentrate on heavy power out put with the 48.We'll see of course

BW 173.8
BF  13.0
W 57.9 ( delayed bath)

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16 kg Swing Vo2 20 set of 10, Press 165 x 1 x 10, band pushdowns, rev curls

 Started off with swing Vo2 . Been a minute since I did this and boy could I tell.At one point I did 30  min of 15:15 with the 24! Crazy. I ...