Monday, July 24, 2023

225 x 1 ( two plates 14th time) 205 x 1 x 5, laterals, rear delts, pushdowns


This went great! Definitely made the right call as to taking 215 before 225 as I rushed it and barely made it, made the correctly for two plates and it went

205 warmup

ugly 215, stayed too vertical on unracking and got too much  knee bend, always sends the bar fwd
I fixed it on the 225 but by accident. I thought I could unrack more vertically and it would just allow for a longer hip drive but it seems I have to have some bow tension or my legs kick in early

I got it down to these cues


Push up

Get under the bar!

that last cue is crucial just  get under the bar and I can get leverage

then back to 205 for 1 x 5 (4th rep made but lost balance back)

SO the important points

Start by finding X
Stand up with arm pressure and keep pushing up 
Let hips load in front of bar on take off
Push bar up and get hips forward ASAP!


rear delts  3 x 8/8 20s

heavyband pushdowns  3 x 10


60.1  bath

been taking zinc gluconate 25 mg for three days, already feel it. definitely deficient

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