Saturday, March 08, 2008

One arm swing PR; 32 kg 400 reps.

It's been a bad week and this morning I had had little sleep,no training partners, a foul mood and needed to kick something's ass.I chose the 32 kg for one arm swings and it kicked back. I won though and got through 20 sets of 20 in 34 minutes for 400 reps and a solid one arm swing pr. Drank some Red Bull and fired it up.

One arm swings

32 kgx10/10x 20 sets
400 reps PR
34 min
28,800 lbs

this wasnt too bad for the first 200 reps but then I started picking up the pace and things up tough.I always tend to train faster when I am solo and this sometimes is not what I need. Tracy helped me out and paced me for the last 200 and that really helped.I don't know if I would have made it alone.Got it done. Wasnt planning on a pr but I had to do something to cleanse myself this morning and this was it.

10lbsx50 x 2 sets

10lbs 50/50 x2 sets

good to get back to doing these again.I just was beat by this time.

bw 159.2
bf 9.7%
water 59.5%



Aaron Friday said...

I was waiting for this number. Awesome PR, and way to get it done on a foul day!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron, beleive me, you were in my thoughts when I decided to do this.

Franklin said...

Hey Rif, that's a pretty amazing display of work capacity and the volume and intensity is staggering. If possible, next time you get the urge to beat it, please record a video of some of it and post it .. very inspirational work!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, although it would be a pretty boring video,lol. just LOTS of 20 rep sets of swings but next time I go for a 32 kg pr I will tape the start and finish. It was ugly yesterday as I was not full strength but it got done.

Franklin said...

Hey, hey, I know what 32kg one hand swings feel like .. they man handle me .. brutal and hardly boring!

Also I'm extremely interested in learning from your watching your form .. its impossible to do 400 swings 32kg swings with out great form and focus.

Shaf said...

Nice, Rif.

I did a segment of tabata swings with the 32kg today, and averaged ~11 reps per segment and it put me down pretty good.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, if you are interested I will post an older video of my swing form with the 32 kg from a past session; it hasn't changed much since then.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks steve,
the funny things was that as beat tired as I was I was going much faster than normal, especially when tracy started pacing me.
normally I alternate sets with rex and nick; rex is swinging and nick is squatting so it's pretty slow.
short rest periods hurt so I avoid them as much as possible,lol.

Franz Snideman said...

400 is frickin nice Rif! 32kg.....getting stronger, ay?

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...