Pretty beat by now but know I will be fine once I get a sweat going. Didnt get to sweat enough this weekend. Usually that's not a problem. Want to experiment to see whether my back will tolerate two kb cleans. I know I can do some two handed swings; this will be a nice addition.
Two kb cleans
(2)16kg x
80 reps 5760
not bad. These are hard for high reps and it seemed fine on my shoulder and back.Skipped 18 because I knew I only had one set in me. Nice workload too as the two bells,even though they are light, add up to a two pood. cool. Didnt have to setup too wide either as that bugs me usually.The 2 24's might be a problem but they are a long way off.
One arm Swings Max Vo2 training
16 kg kb x 15 sec on/ 15 sec off for 15 sets.
8 reps per 15 sec
120 reps
4320 reps
This was from Kenneth Jays study and is one of the protocols on how to build max V02 levels. Kenneth used and recommended the snatch as the primary lift,saying the swing worked well but not AS well.This isnt critical for me as my competitive days are over. I will use the swing. I LOVE training like this. Short work bouts and short rest bouts, just like powerlifting speed .
work, The good news is that the study actually used the 16 kg and came out with incredible results. Nice to not feel guilty about using light weight.He recommended 20-50 sets. I will work my way up( at least I think is that protocol; my manual is at work) . This will sub out for mondays 100 reps sets I think.
DARCs with 24 kg
5 sets of 20 reps
100 reps
5300 lbs
took my time between sets, 1.5 minutes or more. starting to fade.Didnt eat much this weekend either.
Snatch holds
16kgx30 sec each arm
20 kg x30 sec each arm
24 kg x30 sec each arm
these went well
Face pulls, stick presses,stick squats, glute medius abduction with bands( left only)
left arm curls complex, lateral raise, 2 rounds each.
BW 159.6
BF 10.4
I am dehydrated for sure.
dats it, time to get loose again.
Two kb cleans
(2)16kg x
80 reps 5760
not bad. These are hard for high reps and it seemed fine on my shoulder and back.Skipped 18 because I knew I only had one set in me. Nice workload too as the two bells,even though they are light, add up to a two pood. cool. Didnt have to setup too wide either as that bugs me usually.The 2 24's might be a problem but they are a long way off.
One arm Swings Max Vo2 training
16 kg kb x 15 sec on/ 15 sec off for 15 sets.
8 reps per 15 sec
120 reps
4320 reps
This was from Kenneth Jays study and is one of the protocols on how to build max V02 levels. Kenneth used and recommended the snatch as the primary lift,saying the swing worked well but not AS well.This isnt critical for me as my competitive days are over. I will use the swing. I LOVE training like this. Short work bouts and short rest bouts, just like powerlifting speed .
work, The good news is that the study actually used the 16 kg and came out with incredible results. Nice to not feel guilty about using light weight.He recommended 20-50 sets. I will work my way up( at least I think is that protocol; my manual is at work) . This will sub out for mondays 100 reps sets I think.
DARCs with 24 kg
5 sets of 20 reps
100 reps
5300 lbs
took my time between sets, 1.5 minutes or more. starting to fade.Didnt eat much this weekend either.
Snatch holds
16kgx30 sec each arm
20 kg x30 sec each arm
24 kg x30 sec each arm
these went well
Face pulls, stick presses,stick squats, glute medius abduction with bands( left only)
left arm curls complex, lateral raise, 2 rounds each.
BW 159.6
BF 10.4
I am dehydrated for sure.
dats it, time to get loose again.
Nice Training Rif. It's always refreshing to see you modify knowledge and training information specifically for your body and needs. At the end of the day, you have to do what is correct and sane for you individual situation, right?
thanks franz, and exactly. I am always trying to get better and be able to do more and more. restoring function or building even more, thats the goal for me and it should be for many.
you have to be careful though not to take it too easy on yourself. people dont push themselves anywhere near enough,imo or have enough discipline.
the will needs to be cultivated just like the body.
I think you hit the nail on the head with that last line, sifu.
It was great finally meeting you in person, Rif... I'm still feelin' the foam roller work!
Enjoyed the pain...
Hi Rif, are you able to point me in the direction of Kenneth Jay's snatch study that you mentioned in your post - Cheers
Great work Rif - talk about adapt and overcome! Living well is the best revenge.
Nice seeing you at the cert like always, thanks again for the generous invitation for dinner... it was a real treat!
Maybe I missed it from a previous post, but what is a face pull? I have tried the stick presses as part of my warm up, and I like the stretch.
thats very kind of you aaron.
do a search on dragon door forum on kenneths name and you will find reference to the study.
same here man, nice to put a face to a name. glad you enjoyed the roller! keep it up, it works.
do a search on t-mag for articles by bill hartman, its where I got the info and they have great video
thanks Brett and yes living well IS the best revenge.
Thanks Rif
Mark, could you elaborate on the one arm swing max Vo2 training protocol? Are you switching arms between sets?
david yes I am. You do 15 sec of work followed by 15 sec of rest, then switch arms and repeat for 40-50 sets!~! I just reread the piece and I have some catching up to do.
they are supposed to be snatches with the 16 kg( for men) and 12 kg for women.
this is the simplest protocol Kenneth layed out. the other is 4 min of snatches at 95% of max HR followed by 4 min of rest, 4 times.
Awesome stuff man, glsd to see you're training right after a cert. Very very cool. May have to try taht 15 0n 15 off. Sounds killer.
Great stuff as usual Rif! I searched the DD website for Kenneth Jay and VO2max, and wasn't able to find the 15sec protocol. Could you help narrow the search? Sorry to bother you.
Kenneth didnt post the 15 sec protocol online it seems, just the 60% one.
Heres the deal
using the 16 kg snatch for men and a 10 or 12 kg snatch for women do 15 sec on 15 sec off switching hands each time for 40-50 sets of snatches. This gives maximum Vo2 Max stimulation.
this or 4 min on 4 min off or the original 36 sec protocol you can find on the forum.
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