Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Snatches, swings and some freestyle training.

Still reading the manual and intrigued by all the fun things that one can do with a kettlebell. I have been so simplistic and minimalistic in my training( by necessity)that remembering just how cool the more advanced moves are is a study in frustration for me. I can do more now than at any time in recent memory and it just makes me want to do even more. BUT I do appreciate all that I can do now and I don't forget that either.

snatch, windmill, negative press ( left only)
16 kgx3x2

these were cool. It would be great to have a right shoulder that could do this. eventually,perhaps.

Hanging leg raises
tactical pullups style
5 minutes of practice
this definitely brings back gymnastics memories and motor patterns. the extra close grip is much different and more to my liking and history anyway. THis will set me up to practice some tactical pullups again. I just have to realize that I dont have to do a million pounds or a million reps to enjoy doing the movement.

20 kg x5/5
24kgx5/5x5 sets
50 reps
2650 pounds

Just always want to practice snatching when I come home. Damn move is the most athletic thing I can still do and I can do it well. Not much left that I can say that about, lol!Just have to keep the volume down. And, the straight arm swing snatch is the style for me.

One arm swings
24kgx10/10x10 sets
200 reps
10,600 pounds

these felt great! Hip snap was strong today, as was rooting. I can feel my feet gripping the floor now for the first time in my life. Man, my feet were weak!!!

One kb jerks

oh well I tried. left side is great. right side is UGLY. Left knee and right shoulder do not like this although it was actually a jerk and not a push press, which is progress,lol.

Rack walks
1200 feet
200 feet per arm

This is getting suprisingly strong. want to get up to 2000 continuous feet.

BW 161.4
BF 8 % !! bout time I revisted this place.
Water 61.5 %
I was dehydrated.Good to be back on track.

Datsit, gotta get more loose.


Royce said...

very cool man. Jerks rock.
I'm off to do another Whitley gut wrencher.
It's working though down 15lbs this month.

Franz Snideman said...

Solid Rif, very SOLID!

Nice to see you doing some tactical pull up work.

Is there a nice carryover from gymnastics and the tactical style of doing pull ups?

Mark Reifkind said...

absolutely. after watching Pavels presentation I really GOT the connection between the TCP and basic gymnastics pulling skills such as pulling up on rings to ANYTHING,hip pullovers on high bar, muscle up on rings or other objects, etc.
I have avoided that position(s) for so many years I had forgotten just how powerful it is.
I did bodybuilder chins all this time and didnt even really get it,lol!
the TCP is the REVERSE of the swing, starting with a glute and ab contraction and following the 'shock wave' all the way through the flexion chain.
I think it's going to be much nicer to my shoulder too. shoulder really sucked into the socket just like presses.
so much to learn.

I dont think the two hand jerks are going to work yet, no enough shoulder flexiblity but perhaps a two handed push press. maybe.

Mark Reifkind said...

oh yeah say hi to whitley for me.great job on the weight loss!

charley allen said...

FWIW, I have found the jerk to be a lot easier on my shoulders than presses. Factually, that is an experiment of one (me) and we are all different. For something that looks simple, there are a lot of moving parts in the jerk and it takes a lot of practice to do it right.

As you have said in earlier posts, the name of the game is being able to fully function pain-free at 50, 70, 90, and beyond.

Although we train differently, I read your blog every day and get a lot of good information from it as well as your lovely wife's.

Tom Furman said...

The one arm jerk is under appreciated. It is a very athletic motion and allows you to 'breathe under stress'. I was focusing on resting the elbow on the hip crest and began to enjoy this alot. Play with the palm position in lockout too. Nice to see you are feeling so healthy. Then again,..nice to feel anything at our age!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks tom, and I agree. Personally I generally prefer one arm kb movements to two; but then again I havent been able to do bilateral moves for the last three years.I am happy to be able to do two hand swings and two kb cleans. If I could do one arm jerks that would be great too.
I'm not sure my left knee will tolerate it though.Doesnt like anything resembling jumping.well see.

Mark Reifkind said...

oh yeah tom, I keep midsection braced in between reps and dont try to get the elbow to the hip. you know, lol, hardstyle.more emphasis on the second dip and less on full extension.

Unknown said...

You are a true iron warrior.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...