Friday, June 08, 2007

I love the smell of kettlebells in the morning.

Ah yes, its 4:30 am (PST) I am jacked up on Peets coffee(never leave home without it!) just finished stretching out and going over my notes formy presentations today. I love this shit!
I actually feel good for a change when traveling and my knee and back cooperated very well going through the airport and sitting on the plane for 4.5 hours.I hope this is a good omen for the rest of the weekend.

I used to feel this way going to powerlifting meets. Getting to leave the regular routine behind and spend the weekend with a bunch of hardcore lifting nuts and talking nonstop about training and the sport. Now powerlifting has been replaced with kbs and getting though the weekend strongly has become my 'competition'. even though I am not 'training' through the weekend it is serious physical challenge for me; 12hours a day for three days straight of standing,walking,teaching,lecturing and demonstrating.Great stuff!
I got to meet Dustin,Takei( who is on my team!) Franz and Yoanna and so many others last night at the meet and greet.Everybody asked if Tracy was here; she is definitely missed aleady!
Time to get to work, I get to teach the snatch segment today and I can't wait!


Tracy Reifkind said...

Oh man! I wish I was there. I can feel the energy through this post, perfect!

It's 5am here right now so I was surprised to feel such a good mood come accross from you so early.

Talk with you soon,


Iron Tamer said...

Rif, There is a kid in Franz's group named Eric Cimrhanzel. He is a good friend of mine. Punish him.

I wish I was there......

BJ Bliffert said...

If you need help, I'm only 5 hours away!

Just kidding, but I wish I was there, I love it as well.

Show 'em what it means to go through the RKC.

Take Care.

Royce said...

Sounds like fun, you sound stoked too!

Christine said...

Woo! Have fun!

Mark Reifkind said...

Hon, it was the peets that got my mood so good so early,lol.that and fear...

david, I met ericthough he;s not in my group.nice guy andI am sure he is suffering sufficiently :))'

bj you should stop on by for sundays victim training and say hi, its only 5 hours eh?

Tracy Reifkind said...

Hey, you know Aaron Friday will be there on Sunday as a victim, don't you?

Peet's saved our asses last time.... never leave the house without it!

Mark Reifkind said...

no hon I didnt. be great to see him and fawn again! andyes peets is saving my ass again this morning!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...