Monday, June 11, 2007

It just had to be done.

As Joe says, after I come back from a cert I always want to snatch. I haven't been doing snatches in my program other than snatching the weight overhead for my holds as regular snatch work just seems to irritate my right shoulder.But it is such an explosive, dynamic, athletic and just damn COOL move that when I go to the cert and see everybody 'getting' to snatch I am envious.


24 kg x 5/5 x10 sets
100 reps
5300 pounds

One arm swings
24 kg x 5/5/5/5x5 sets
100 reps
5300 pounds

200 total reps
10,600 pounds

Snatch holds
16 kg x30 sec x 4 sets

man these are always as hard as the 24 kg!LOL.

spent a lot of time tweaking my form relative to the nuances I have made lately in my stance, gait and torso rotations.My right side move is definitely a different and unique motor pattern as compared to my left. I am only realizing the true depth of this lately and how badly being allowed to twist in the wrong direction in gymnastics really set the stage for all these imbalances and injuries.

These nuances made a huge difference to me while I went through the physical demands of this weekend and really drove home that I am on the right path. For instance, I made it through April's cert better than the one before but I couldnt train on that next Monday and had to do major bodywork all week after to get even close to 'neutral'.
This time I feel fine and was walking strong through the airport last night! Work was no problem even though I can feel the adrenaline let down coming a bit.But I feel healthy ,loose and balanced.

I barely had to use the thumper all weekend although I was doing lots of palms open close stance squatting and 'no stick' open palm stick press patterns all day to keep things square and plumb.Being barefoot helped ALOT. As well as all the time being barefoot and standing this last month.

So I have to figure out the unique rotation that will let me snatch with my right arm without the biceps tendon getting impinged. I am getting the correct static posture and gait I need but I still need to grok the dynamic posture.

I brough my stance in a bit today and adopted my eyes and shoulder to the right posture and it was interesting. But the biceps tendon still gets tired early.
Could be not having an intact shoulder capsule, torn posterior AC ligaments and bone spurs, arthritis and plenty of miles on this 30 year old injury. Hell, what am I expecting?lol.
Rode hard, put up wet.

datsit,good to be home. Gotta stretch.

PS I just realized that perhaps the dead snatch might hold a clue to the correct position/rotation for the right arm. will experiment.


Iron Tamer said...

Can you please 'splain how you get the "pounds of work" numbers? WHat is the math there?

How much poundage was my "Short & Sweet" Snatch sessiontoday ( 40kg x11x4/4 & 1x6/6, 100 reps total)

Many thanks....

Mark Reifkind said...

I am not that smart so I with the simple solution:

weight x (reps x set) = total tonnage.

54 lbs x 200 reps = 10,600 pounds

for foot pounds you measure the distance the weight is moved and multiply it times the total work done.

54 lbs x 3 foot swing(162 foot pounds per rep) x 10 reps= 1620 foot pounds per rep.

total tonnage is simple way to keep track of patterns and trends and pr's. You can divide it by time to get power too but that is too complicated for me.

Mark Reifkind said...

40kg(88)x88reps ( 8x11)= 7744 pounds lifted

total =8800 lbs.

for comparison when I was squatting close to 600 pounds in the barbell squat I would use between 365 and 400 for 12 sets of 2 in the box squat. that is 8760 to 9720 lbs of work. BUT THAT WAS TO SUPPORT A 573 squat!

I can't do that workout anymore but I can do the 14,400 pound snatch/swing workout I did today.I'll take it.

Jim Ryan said...

Yeah, two questions Rif,
OK, since Dave asked, I am picking nits. Don't you count the weight of your warm-up sets?

I don't follow your math here:
16kgx5/5x2 = 20 reps, right?
24kgx5/5x10sets =100 reps, right?
100 reps-should be 120 reps, right?
5300 pounds - should be 5984 lbs.

What about holds and walks? Don't add that to your tonnage? Just time and weight?

I like the tonnage/volume idea. I remember the first time I realized I lifted over 5 tons in less than an hour (MP and Sw) I was amazed at myself!

Mark Reifkind said...


I dont count warmups as part of the total volume because I only wnat to see how much I've done the workset weights of the day.
I am trying to create overload for that weight.

this is aholdover from powerlifting. you only count the work with the weights that are heavier enough to create overload.

Aaron Friday said...

I didn't even participate, and I was dying to do some snatches. I guess the enthusiasm rubbed off on me a bit. I'm happy to hear your body is doing better on these long weekends. You sure work hard at it.

Royce said...

Awesome Rif, glad your feeling solid!

D Silveri said...

I did some snatches as well... but just as practice.... wasnt ready for a training sesssion just yet. give me another day to let my forearms stop burning

Mark Reifkind said...

dustin it speaks volumes of your condition and shape that you coul;d even think about training this soon after all that much less actually doing are a horse!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...