Keeping my body even close to square,plumb and neutral is time intensive work. And the more you do it the better you feel so the more actual work you can do. Which leaves LESS time for the bodywork necessary to stay healthy.And more actual load on the body.
It's been a very busy ten days and I've done more movement but have had less time to really get myself stretched out and back into neutral. And I've noticed the tension creeping into my soleus and gastroc, lower hamstring and, subsequently, my quad tendon.And creating a nice winding between the femur and the tibia. Lovely.
The first thing to go is full knee extension and that causes the hammy to get tighten as well, as full stretch is never achieved. The hammy stays flexed a bit even in the stretch part of the cycle.Not good.
SO it needs to be stretched out as well as everything else,but that takes serious floor time( think yoga class or equivilant) at least once a day(I never said this stuff doesnt get boring; believe me it does and I know it). But the other choice I could make is to let the body get tighter and twisted and not fix it.Not an option.But it sneaks up on you and if you aren't really paying attention you are tweaked and you'don't know why'. But we know why.You have to be devoted and that ain't easy. You have to pay attention to your body and that ain't easy either. Plus, you have to do what you don't want to do and that's perhaps the ultimate 'that aint easy'.
But once you can see it coming you have to get out of the way, at the very least.
Same thing with my back. If I let myself get re stuck in flexion;which is VERY easy to let happen, I start to feel those warning twinges again. Usually I listen then and head out to the chin bar to decompress and then get on the floor and open up my abs and arch my back.
And you can't get greedy. Or at least I can't; anymore.
Back on the floor.
Hey Mark. I'm a kettlebell enthousiast as well, and I've really enjoyed reading your blo.g I realized I've been working with osteolysis of the distal clavicle for a couple monthes now. So pressing, overhead stuff is out of the question. I just wanted to let you know it has been great reading your logs; they have really inspired me to challenge myself, as I get back to basics and GPP for the sake of my own fitness longevity. Thanks
Marc Tellez
way cool marc, thanks for stopping by and saying so.I think I must have something going on with both sides of the clavical cause there is A LOT of adjusting going on in there. In fact, the stick presses that I do really seem to set my clavicles as much as the shoulder .
So cool that my blog is having a postitive effect on your training. excellent!
Hey Rif I read JDC's and your comments about resting muscle tension and an article on T-nation about joint mobility/flexibility and how the joint below affects the joint above.
Anyway my calves are constantly tight, even at rest the have tension. Probably from years of walking around heavy. I started stretching them yesterday, just several times a day getting in the bottom position of a standing calf raise and doing the relax into stretch protocol. I can already feel the difference in my knees. Cool stuff.
excellent royce, you dont want or need all that tension in any muscle all the time.
Even though you're spot-on with your message, you find the weirdest god-damn pictures.
Have to agree with Aaron, Mark - both on the message being spot on and your pictures. I had to do a double take on that picture and put the bifocals on to satisfy myself that I wasn't seeing something...else.
lol, thanks man, I try to get a pic that motivates me or inspires me re the post.
I'm just teasing. It looks like a PowerPoint slide at an Orthotists convention.
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