Friday, June 15, 2007

Tracy's 1600 swings in a hour

Dustin Silveri RKC, was trying to emulate tracy's prodigous swing capacity and didnt know how she got the 1600 swings in one hour that I had talked about. Here is a copy of the post I made on Dragon Door detailing the incredible feat of endurance and power.

1600 swings in 60 minutesFrom: rifstonian Subject: FitnessDate/Time 2006-11-04 18:29:37Remote IP:
Mrs. Rif is at it again.Tracy did one arm swings with the 12 kg for 60 seconds on 30 seconds off for 60 minutes straight.40 reps per minute for 40 sets.
That's 41,600 pounds in the hour with 40 minutes of solid work and 20 minutes of rest.
The only way you can do more work in an hour is to use a heavier bell. talk about training work capacity!

She regularly does 1000-1200 swings per hour,even with the heaviest bells! Since she is trying up get her muscle mass up she is doing less volume and heavier weights lately. Still insanely impressive.

This video is part of her 1200 heavy swing workout


fawn said...

Holy cow... swings for an hour. If it wasn't Tracy, I wouldn't believe it. How does she do that??? My grip gasses out after 10 minutes.

Royce said...

Good lord man! 1600 swings in a freakin week would kill me.

D Silveri said...

Man the swings wernt bad... but my hands are the weak point. they are still trashed from the RKC, and well Im a sucker for pain.

But props go to Tracy! 1600 is a number I dont think most could hit.

Keep it up, and smash the SSST! RKC represent!
show the... 'others' how powerful the RKC system is!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...