Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More mass = More strength?

In bodybuilding world the way one increases their strength is to increase their mass. All things being equal the larger the muscle contracting the stronger it is. But just as bodybuilding training is like having an 8 cyliner engine with only 2 working and strapping on another 8 cylinder engine which also has only 2 working Power to the People methods also increase muscle mass to increase strength; but in a totallydifferent way.

.PtP increases your muscle mass not by increasing the size of the individual fibers but by increasing the total number of muscle GROUPS that are participating in the lift. By hyper irradiation and feed forward tension and conciously activating max number of fibers in the entire body, way more mass is pulled into the effort. Total body effort = great strength. Especially the more skilled you are at activating.


Brett Jones said...

"Big ain't strong - Strong is strong!" (me) I am only gaining size at this point because of my volume of heavy squatting (and my eating but hey...)
Too many people in the quest for getting "jacked" miss the part about being strong as well.

Unknown said...

I just want to be "Bruce Lee strong". I don't want to have to buy bigger clothes. I've read PTP, but after attending the RKC course, i better understand it now. And I definately feel it now. Using PTP principles while pressing the KB is much more exhausting. But it also feels good.

Mark Reifkind said...

man, now don't get me wrong. being big big is FUN. especially when you are determined to put more and more weight on the bar.but if one( likes Tim) doesnt want to gain size but still wants to get stronger gaining muscle mass via incorporation of all groups is the way to go, eh?

Franz Snideman said...

Rock on Rif!

It was great finally meeting you in person!Thanks for the great teaching and fun stories. You have experienced more sporting and athletic "stuff" than anyone I know.

Aaron Friday said...

I just want to look better nekkid.

Iron Tamer said...

Being big IS is being strong.

What is really fun though, is being big and flexible. Nobody expects it.

Royce said...

Very cool post. I so believd you had to be big to be strong when I was younger. So ain't true. Just so not true.

Mark Reifkind said...

aaron, and you are SO close!Lol.

and yes David, your flexibility and agility at your size is most amazing.especially in conjunction with your strength as well.

Brett Jones said...

If I ever achieve "big" - I'll let you know if it is fun ;)

David - It's your boyish good looks and charm - not your flexibility that people don't expect ;)

fawn said...

I love reading stuff like this.. it means a puny person like myself still has hope!

Mark Reifkind said...

yeah fawn you so puny you can overhead squat,pistol, press the 24 kg. you one strong person.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...