Monday, June 18, 2007


After watching Doug Nepodal bottoms up clean and press a full water bottle I realized just how weak I've gotten. I have to psyche up to change the bottle these days as the heaviest thing I pick up is the two pood. Now, being weak and being able to walk, move, etc. with little pain is prefeable BUT, all things being equal being stronger is better.
My squat pattern is much better and my stick squat position is getting more square everyday.So I decided to try some clean grip deadlifts. I haven't deadlifted in more than two years but knew I wanted to pick something heavier than a kb up.Of course, this is how things start to go wrong but hey, lets see.

So, no belt double overgrip olympic style deadlift:

woo freaking hoo. Felt like I had pr'ed,lol. Very square and even pull. Won't know of course til tomorrow but I should be fine.Not sure though how much tension I should put through my back.Could be that it's the squat pattern I need to build first, as I already have the swings as a solid pull pattern that is safely working.

KB press( left arm only)

these felt good.havent pressed in long time.
One arm swings
16 kg
70/70 pr= 140 reps
25/25/15/15/2o darcs 100 reps
20/20/10/10/20 darcs 80 reps
15/15/15/15/20 darcs 80 reps

400 reps
14,400 ( that number again)

the 70 rep set was not that bad and my left grip was harder than the right for a cardio was solid. I know I could do 100/100 but the question is : why? do I really need to do that?lol. For awhile I thought the cardio would be the problem now I think the grip will be more painful.

The rest of the sets were good and switching definitely makes it easier to go on. More load on the system and not one individual area or muscle group.easier to keep higher force/rep levels.

snatch holds
16 kg right only x
40 sec
60 sec
60 sec

45 sec rest /sets

I swear these seem as hard as the 24 kg!

db curl/ lateral raise complex with 12# db.
5-8 reps in each position 3 times

I noticed in the stick press that my right biceps shuts off just where the shoulder "kinks up" in my overhead movement. I was trying NOT to use it as it seemed overly tight but now I'm thinking maybe it's just weak and not activating. This could increase the load on my shoulder itself during ROM.

So I did a combination of:
supinating curl
supinated curl
hammer curl
reverse curl
lateral raise
lateral raise 25 deg adduction
lateral raise at side
pronated lateral raise
pronated lateral raise 25 degrees adduction

I did this the other day and the shoulder felt much better this am.Left arm doesnt need it.
Muscle stuck in flexion too long can get very weak it seems too.

Rack walk 16 kg
1600 continuous feet! PR.

Just for my right arm
switched hands every 200 feet. definitely makes the legs much more of the weak link instead of my arm and upper back. just want I wanted.

datsit. I will do some light training this wednesday but no walking.

datsit, staying loose.


Royce said...

HELL YA!!!!!!!! Check you out man!
Rock on man. I'm really happy for you!

Aaron Friday said...

What's with the left-hand and right-hand only exercises? Seems Chek-ered.

Geoff Neupert said...

Here's some of your own advice: BE CAREFUL! (But enjoy!...)

Franz Snideman said...

Come on Rif! You are as weak as a kitten!

Just kidding. You're not weak. Well, I guess compared to what you used to do, but come on can walk, train with kettlebells and it seems like you have windows of time where you don't hurt at all. That has got to be worth something!

Be well!

Mark Reifkind said...

aaron, it is. I train a lot of things assymmetrical depending on what I am trying to improve. my frame is bent.

Mark Reifkind said...

geoff I know dude.I have little birds in my ears now already.I probably should leave things alone.

Mark Reifkind said...

franz, thanks. it was nice to get tight and pull a bit but I could also feel the stiffness in the lumbar that it takes to do such things and it was reminiscent of being locked up like I used to be.

think I'll stick to the swings.


D Silveri said...

Nice Pulls!

I dont remember seeing a deadlift in your blog for a while.... not bad, your on the up and up!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...