Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Brett Jones, Sr RKC./ Strong Man

The RKC School of Strength rocks on! Check this out:


BJ Bliffert said...

Brett, was my Senoir when I went through the RKC. To see some of those acts done in person is amazing. And you'd neer guess, while talking to him, he could probably pop your head like a grape. Laid back and humble guy.

Jim Ryan said...

More great stuff! Very inspiring and humbling at the same time.

Love that music too. Isn't that from the orginal 'Predator' movie?

nate b said...

I always thought people were exaggerating when they said the RKC cert was life-changing, but now I see what they mean. It was nice meeting you this weekend. Didn't get to talk to you too much but got some great notes from your lectures.

Mark Reifkind said...


so good to see you at the certs technique comp. you did great.glad you enjoed my presentations.
and yes, going through the RKC can definitely be a life altering experience.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for kicking my ass last weekend. It was painfully obvious that you brought years of experience to the table. I truly appreciate all of the skills that you taught Troy and I. Rogue Fitness opens this weekend and without the RKC we would be handicapped.

Thanks Again,

Bill Henniger

Lauren Brooks said...



Brett Jones never ceases to amaze me. Wow is all I can say. Great clip of him. Thanks for putting that up.

Sounds like I missed a great weekend. He gets stronger and stronger every time I see him. What's next? Cleaning and Pressing a car with one hand! 8-)

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks so much for the kind word and for stopping by my blog. It was great getting to work with you this weekend and seeing you transform your form.It was also great to see just how well you absorbed all the information when you got to the teaching segment. I was mightily impressed,well done!


yes, who knows what Jones will lift next? Between him and WHitley and Kenneth Jay the Strength portion of the RKC School of Strengh is in great hands.

Royce said...

It's so freakin' cool to watch those 3 lift stuff. on top of the fact they are in great shape cardio wise too. Something to shoot for!

Christine said...

Very strong man.

Brett Jones said...

Thanks everyone - it was a lot of fun.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...