Did not get stretched out yesterday and can really feel it today. I videoed Tracy's ssst yesterday and missed my normal stretch out then just skipped it yesterday afternoon. SOOOOO it had to get done yesterday as all the same characters started to lock up this AM.
1) close stance dl stretch to floor
2)upward dog
3) horse stance with dorsiflexion
4)downward dog,alternating feet
5) frog squat stretch
6) tuck and roll on back
7)straddle stretch
8) pike stretch
9) single leg "L" sit and hammie stretch
10) cross over IT band stretch
11) cross leg glute stretch
12) cross leg glute/ham stretch
13) stick press
14) stick squat pattern, OL style,close stance
15) stick behind neck stretch.
We need to make you some "Rifga" tshirts on cafepress.com :)
lol, not too sure about that christine but thanks for the thought.
Congrats to Tracy! That is some sick number. I googled Janda, and length/tension relationships, as you mentioned. Thank you. Is there any specific textbook or study you'll be referencing? Also, make sure you cite your knowledge. Wouldn't want guys on the Haternet to call you a plagarist.
Looking forward to working with you again.
will, I got my info from Paul Cheks Scientific Back training course, and he got his from Janda, primarily. Kendall and kendall( muscles testing and function an early phsiotherapist text) also have great info on this phenomenon.
I will be presenting what I have found works well for me and my clients. not trying to come across as a medico or a physical therapist, just using the basic principles that I have found to work.
Yeah - I slacked off this weekend and was a lazy ass and felt the difference today. Live and learn.
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