Monday, January 15, 2007

There is always a balance

Yesterday's walk was a total high; todays frozen, creaky I-never-got-warm press session was an exercise in sheer will.That freakin garage was just TOO cold and doing slow motion presses never got me warm at all.
I also learned the difference between the chin up and the pullup on my shoulder. very interesting

RKC Press
26x5/5 x2

so glad I wasnt going to do any volume. it looks like more on paper than it did in the gym. most of that is so light it doesnt count anyway. the 24 kgs felt actually better than any of the other reps.

mixed grip chin/pulls
chin ups
tactical pullups

all was going well til the pullups. no injury but man what a difference it made on my shoulder! Almost immediately all the old symptoms came back:biceps impingement,teres and lat tightness, levator tightness and scapula elevation! Back to the chins! I actually think that this overhead postition will get relegated to a stretch, as my squats are now, as the RKC press works my lats so hard.


wanted to do a lot more of these but my right biceps was talking to me!

Rack walks
24kg x 100 foot per arm laps, 1000 feet total

BW 161.6
BF 8.8%
water 60.7%

Not a fun workout. got to get warm!

PS my knee was FINE today and gait was good although I didnt get enough stretch time.


Royce said...

Sucks working out when it's cold.
No heater in our house at the moment and it was below freezing here last night. Had to take the ice off the dogs water. ( a rarity for AZ. )

But man I gotta say RoP is making a difference ( or rather me sticking to it).
72 snatches in 10 minutes on my light day.

Tom Furman said...

Weird how the body works, huh? One thing that killed my back was focusing on psoas stretches via RKC standard. My psoas and back ached daily. I minimize it to the Yoga, Sphinx and bridging, and I am fine. Sagging in a lunge with a KBell is bad for me. I am always learning.

Royce said...

Crap dude, I just saw where you added me to your blog list.
I really appreciate it, don't know exactly why it means so much to me but it does.
Thank you.

P.S. I am a computer weenie, a buddy of mine actually added all my blogs, how do you do it?

Mark Reifkind said...


no problem man.I am barely computer literate but,like training ,continue to experiment, make mistakes and hack away at it.This new blogger makes it much easier.
and yes I am seriously tired of being cold.being so skinny doesnt help either,lol.

Mark Reifkind said...

yes it is very strange. All I know is that I have to keep going for as much symmetrical muscle tension as possible. when things get to tight I get wound in weird ways and the body doesnt like torques. neither do I.
I ONLY do the stretches, exercises and loads that help me get towards balance. NO longer push towards something just because. Can't do it.

Franz Snideman said...

sometimes the workouts we do out of sheer will are the most important. Always another opportunity to build more character, so why not?

I can relate to you on the shoulder garbage (impingement, trigger points in teres major, lats, rotator cuff, posterior deltoid) coming out of the blue. Amazing how issues can hide in the backbround and then rear there ugly head when you do too much, move wrong or for no known reason. Maybe God allows pain and dsyfunction to happen to teach us about health and proper function?

Be well!

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...