Saturday, January 20, 2007

Back at it;Snatch day

It was a weird week. My right shoulder has been impinged off and on all week and spending two hours with my arm in weird positions for the tattoo didnt help. Didnt know if I could snatch the 24 for one rep today with my right arm so it was a tentative start.
I do know that I want to stay focused on doing a specific number of reps per workout but dont really care how long it takes me as long as I dont dilly dally. I go faster when I'm alone but mainly I go faster once I am warmed up, which may take most of the workout to get to,lol!
Man and is that freaking backnobber amazing! the best tool for my shoulder and rotator cuff yet.
Spend a good 15 minutes with it prior to snatching and it made a huge difference! I also did tons of light snatches and right side presses to warm up as well.Can't rush that.

Press warmup( right arm only)

amazing that this move now sets my shoulder.weird. Have been wanting to press,event hough it is painfull and difficult, as my impingment worsened and now I know why.


53x5/5x15 sets
150 reps
7920 pounds

Not bad at all. Nick still is out so it was just Peter , Jonathan and me snatching and rotating right through, so the pace was fast.
Form felt very very good and the right arm,although I was afraid I was going to tweak, held up good. I let myself lean over on the descent and that worked great. With my particular lumbo pelvic rythym, when I sit back I lose my hips. Go figure I am backward ;}
As I lean, my hips fire even though it looks like they arent back enough.If I sit and lose the hip the load goes into the shoulder and biceps.
I just focused on finding the sweet spot and snatching strongly and NOT thinking about it. It is a long way to 200 reps, though, in sets of 5. Next week will be 15 sets of 6 for 180 reps then 15 sets of 7 for 210 +.

26 lbs x4x10/10

bw 160.4
bf 8.6%
water 60.9%( this was yesterdays measurement)

datsit, staying loose. Tomorrow is another 2o minute + walk.

1 comment:

Royce said...

Nice, a walk, that has got to feel good man.

I don't think you would be happy with yourself if dilly dallied in your workouts. In fact I bet most kettlebeller would consider your workout pretty intense.

I found a cool way to keep my shoulder down too, I flex both sides, I try to keep both shoulders down even pressing one bell. And flex my chest hard, when I concentrate on keeping both side down it really gives me a stable base to press off of.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...