Tuesday, January 16, 2007

188 snatches with a 70 lb bell.

What an amazing demonstration of strength endurance and efficiency of form.not to mention TOUGH!


Royce said...

He just makes it look so damned easy.

Tracy Reifkind said...

he is fluid.and thats a freakin 32 kg!

Mark Reifkind said...

sorry royce that was me, lol.

Royce said...

LOL, Dude I just realized that is freakin' GS set only one hand switch allowed.
Holy crap am I in awe of that dude.

Anonymous said...

I get to meet him this weekend! As well as some other great,great kettlebell lifters.
I am humbled and awed to be in their company.
And eager to ask lots of questions!

What really amazes me about Valery is how "bull strong" he actually is. A fact that is often over looked with some GS lifters who are more well known for their outstanding endurance.

I read somewhere that the earlier GS lifters started with a much broader strength base then they do now. Not sure if this is true or not...although from reading Cate's training blog she is certainly not in the later group, being a tremdously strong athelete as well!


Franz Snideman said...

wow. Truly inspirational!

His body just doesn't break down, a testament to his many years of focused training.

Tom Furman said...

He is using a "wave" and not a snap. Very smooth, nice cardio with 70 over ten minutes. Probably some high MET measurement for this. His legs are huge and he hides this clothing. He is small boned, but has size where he needs it. The guy who jerked 175 reps in Russian is VERY mesomorphic however. This goes back to the Rif vs RDB argument of GS vs RKC...oh boy, not again.;-)

Mark Reifkind said...


lol dont worry we wont get intot THAT again.Hey I give props where it's due, thats one HUGE strength/endurance achievement.
notice also the exhalation on the descent and the fact that his elbows hyperextend so that when the bell is behind his head his forearm is actually in front.less shoulder angle than it first appears.

anatomy is destiny.his legs ARE big, never noticed that before but it makes sense.
same with his jerks.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...