Sunday, January 28, 2007

An AMAZING anatomy and physiology site.

While searching for info on the actions of the levator scapula I came across this killer anatomy site. Best motion graphics I have seen yet, especially for free!Cool stuff


Randy Hauer said...

It's a good site...the shoulder article was interesting. The analogy I find useful for the shoulder: the scapula/humerous function as a cantilever...the scapula is the "counterbalance" and the humerous is the lever. The humerous "locks out" in the glenoid at approximately horizontal abduction and the balance of overhead reach is accomplished by tilting the scapula.

I wonder why no mention of either biceps brachii or coracobrachialis in the shoulder/scapula article?? Both attach to the scapula via the coracoid process and the long head of the BB plays a stabilizing role and an "anti-impingement" role by keeping the humerous in the socket. FYI all of my shoulder issues have inevitably stemmed from come from tendonitis in Biceps Brachii, not from the cuff musculature. Upright rows irritate my BB tendons and back in the day, Heavy Hands running almost killed me before I realized what was up.

Randy Hauer

Mark Reifkind said...


good analogy,I really like that. anything that makes the function easier to visulaize really helps me.
I dont know why no mention of the biceps and the corocoid brachialis as LOTS of my problems originate there and the forearm flexors as well.
Not sure which is the chicken or the egg although I think when I dislocated my shoulder and tore the capsule swinging rings in 1977 LOTS more stuff got torn than I was told.
my shoulder has made NASTY noises for many many years.

16 kg Swing Vo2 20 set of 10, Press 165 x 1 x 10, band pushdowns, rev curls

 Started off with swing Vo2 . Been a minute since I did this and boy could I tell.At one point I did 30  min of 15:15 with the 24! Crazy. I ...