Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Ink


Tim Dymmel said...

Now that is some dedication and commitment.

Your arm is gonna be soooorrrrreeee. The tat on my back took two hours and I felt like it was used as a punching bag for a few days.

Looks very clean and sharp, though. Who did it, where?

Anonymous said...

Mark, what a great work of art. Nice size too. Very impressive and fitting for a Senior R.K.C.


Royce said...

Rif, man I love that ink.
I like the double headed Russian eagle.

You EARNED that tattoo and ranking too man, living the kb lifestyle, and teaching and helping everyone along the way.

Really, really freakin' cool man!!

Mark Reifkind said...


Klem of Samuel O'Rielly's studio in Santa Cruz did the work, he rocks! Didnt hurt at all, really.I have another on on my calf and this was much easier than that on.

thanks for stopping by.You'll see it first hand at tomrrows workout bro.

thanks so much, I am very very proud of being a Senior RKC, and since all of my ancestors are from Russia I thought it was appropriate. It's a stylized version of the Russian eagle though; if you check the eagles heads they are more american eagle than russian. I gave Klem the design and he customized it.
I freakin LOVE it!

Pete said...

Kickass, Rif. Only a few people in the world can wear that ink, and you are definitely one of them.

Geoff Neupert said...

VERY, VERY COOL! I can't wait to see it "live" in April.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks for those words, I am very proud of being a senior and the ink.

soon bro, live and in living color,lol!thanks

David Weck said...

Holy Shit Rif, you did it baby!

Mark Reifkind said...


Yes I did indeed,lol!Still can't quite believe it's there forever now.

Chris said...

Hmm - I asuppose that is the point it is there forever...sorry - I've never really understood tattoos.

It's when you see them on old men looking faded and strange. I've always associated them with the military or something that you might do when drunk and then regret later.

But if you like it that is fin by me.

Mark Reifkind said...


tattoos to me are an external symbol of an internal experience or event.the fact that they fade as you age is irrelvant to me. Hell, I'm fading as I age, lol, and I am already an old guy.people ask what will it look like when I'm ninety and my answer is "who cares?" If I make it that far I'm sure I wont be too pretty either.
thanks for the post.

Chris said...

No worries - no offence meant of course.

i really enjoy this blog by the way - you dig a little deeper than most, not just regarding your training but the psychological background to what you do.

It is more that sets and reps - you understand that for many of us what we do in the gym or wherever - the mountains you climb, the miles you ride - is what helps to define who you are. Some see this as shallow. I think it is what creates depth in many circumstances.

Mark Reifkind said...

cool chris, I knew you didnt mean anything; it's so har don the net with no 'tone' to help determine meaning.thanks for the kind words, glad you are enjoying the blog.
my training has always been the center point of my life and i enjoy that.
I dont see it as shallow at all;quite the opposite.It is the tool with which I use to plumbs the depths of myself and the universe.
Like most "practices" it is very much a "way' in the martial arts tradition.
thanks for posting too, I wish more people would comment.

Anonymous said...

pretty gnarely, Rif. I dig it. :) I'll be seeing it live in April, as well. Mike and I are attending together for once!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks sara, gnarly is gooooood.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...