Monday, January 08, 2007

More great KB art


Royce said...

I read the article earlier today, They show good mechanics in the art. It's neato.
Liked the mention for ya'll too.

If you haven't seen the videos of the chicks juggling it's worth it.

Shaf said...

Interesting on how the groin area is emphasized in that kettlebell art.


Detracts from the purpose and aesthetics.

Mark Reifkind said...

damn shaf, I didnt even notice that. thanks for ruining it for me, lol! And, bring your eyes up man.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...