Wednesday, January 31, 2007

School of Strength

Felt like I was fighting something all morning.Fully hydrated with herbal tea and felt better as I got ready to train, which is a good sign. Right shoulder impinged a lot this am but got to spend a decent amount of time working on it with the backnobber, which is the best massge tool I have ever seen! THis thing is amazing, every one should have one.

One arm swings
53x10/10 = one round. 4 rounds total
13,200 pounds
300 reps

Its basically deal a meal with me and my technique.Just like my squat, one day the groove is perfect and I come back to do the same thing the next day and it's NOWHERE to be found. It's like I just have to see what doesnt hurt THAT DAY and see what form my body wants to do for that workout.Drives me nuts but I may just have to live with it. fighting it though only gets me hurt- and fast.

Supersetted with

Barbell Military Press
45x5x2!!!!! The Power bar. No pain, Felt great at the top.Best stretch overhead I've had in years.Who woulda thunk it?

doing these looking in the mirror and making sure the forearms are parallel to the floor the whole time. Have to be careful of my lower back with this movement though. It definitely requires a lot of stabilization.PLus it works the glutes alot and that can throw my back out quickly. But it felt fantastic although I dont think supersetting with swings was a great idea. Just worked out that way.

Hi pull snatch practice with the 16 kg
Ten minutes:

The fact my right overhead position sucks burns my butt and I wanted to work it a bit.I went back to doing high pulls and then snatching out of that groove. It definitely puts the shoulder back further and deeper in the socket. I will play with this again saturday.

tactical pullups
face pulls

supersetted the above. shoulder is feeling better.

Kneeling pushups

2x8!!! Full body real pushups. NO pain no problem . Woo freaking hoo!

Rack walks
20 kgx200 feet per arm
1200 feet total

these were strong!

Rifga 10 minutes

BW 160.2
BF 8.2 % this is the all time low
water 61.5%

One thing I ahve been thinking about with all this controversy is that the RKC is a School of Strength. I have coveted and worshiped strength all my life and still do to this day. I love feeling strong and have missed it and being able to try to create it these last two years.

Although I know that dropping most, if not all of my high tension exercises for almost all ballistics moves and high volume workouts was what my body needed at the time I have missed feeling strong as well as being able to train to increase my strength. 15 years as a competitive powerlifter made an indellible impression on me and I loved being strong.

Like walking more, But I am as light as I need to be and know how to control my bodyfat with diet rather than " burning the fat off". And I think that getting back my ROM in the shoulder now has to be combined with strengthening it again rather than just making it more flexible.

I feel a shift coming on.With all this examination of Hardstyle Vs GS it has made me re examine how I train ;especially how much emphasis I place on total volume of lifts in my main exercises.

In WSB in order to squat a certain weight you need to be able to do a certain amount of volume ; 70% for 10 sets of 2 to "support" the weight. AS your max climbs the barbell weight climbed. Since I am not raising the kb weight I raised the total number of lifts done but I see now this was probably a mistake, and , at the very least, has run it's course.

At the minimum it was more of an endurance method that I probably dont need to continue if I maintain the base.I think I am ready to handle some more old fashioned strength training in my practice. It just has to be the right exercises and it seems they are appearing. I dont need to see if I can do 1000 reps in a workout. I need to focus on quality not quantity,on speed and power while still maintaining a solid base. I am NOT training for GS and I need to really remember that.

The fact that I am even discussing being able to do this type of training or think in this way is a miracle in itself.I just wanted to be able to do ANYTHING a little while ago. That I might be able to press again is just incredible to consider.walking, pressing, swinging: good stuff and things I no longer take for granted.The chance that I might be able to get in balance with strength AND endurnace is way cool. I have even been thinking about the deadlift.....
Just have to remember NOT to get too greedy.

datsit, staying loose.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Tried to comment on this a few days ago, but Blogger way acting up.

This is very encouraging and I am pleased for you. The deadlift is always a bogie lift for me. I have memories of doing stiff leg deadlifts while standing on a bench with the bar starting on my laces with 330lb about 10 years ago. I would love to do that again-the feeling of strenght and power was fantastic. But every time I start to get bigger weights inthe deadlift now I end up with a back spasm. Part of it I am sure is psychological - there is fear there of more pain.

So if you can deadlift again - I wish you well....and will be inspired.

This is where my thoguhts on the importance of funciton come in. big deadlifts are great, but for me walkign, sitting etc are more important, important enough for me to avoid the risk....for now anyway.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

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