Thursday, January 25, 2007

So far so good.

Slept well and my back feels fine this morning. Like normal. None of the usual overworking of my abs and hammies that usually accompanies two handed swings. this is great, very exciting.Bodes well for my Monday workouts and my conditioning in general. The two hand swing is definitely the power squat( or in my case, the power deadlift, lol) of the KB swings.


Authentic Strength Training said...

Rif! Thanks for posting on my blog. Brother, I am going out there in APRIL to assist. I am overflowing with stoke. A very close buddy of mine from the marine Corps is going to get certed, my girlfiend Sarah is going, and one of my longest and most dedicated and triumphant clients is going as well. I am WAY jazzed. You know, I emailed Dennis after the whole resignation drama went down and instantly volunteered my services to fill any gaps in the schedule left by Steves Maxwell and Cotter. I recived a response from Pavel saying thanks and they'll let me know if they ned anything. I didn't want to appear overly eager, or as the type of guy who was aching to capitalize off of someone elses handicap, but when I told Sarah about the dual resignations, she said something to the effect of "What about all those people out there who signed up and were amped to train with the like sof Mahler, Maxwell, and Cotter?" And we heard that Brett is not going to be able to make it! Sounds like a job for the RKC infantry. I'll help in anyway I can. More important than loyalty to anyoen right now is the fact that there are 60-70 students coming in April that are going to need to the ABSOLUTE BEST in RKC training. And I sleep well at night cause there are trainers out there that will do the best they can. We have some stellar performers on this squad, for real. I'm glad you read up on me, I enjoy your blog very much. From you, the seasoned, senior trainer familiar with neck and back pain, to me, the young hard head with a symphony of cracking and popping in my joints, the information gets heard. See you in April?

Mark Reifkind said...

will I so love your passion and intensity man,it always gets me going and reminds me of the old days and some really serious training partners.

and that you really care about this program system and method in that Marine way that is very impressive.Lots of respect and honor.That is so rare.

And yes I will see you in April. It will be my first cert as a Senior Instructor and I hope I get you as an assistant.
Either way it'll be a great time and those RKC will not lack for proper information or training because Steve and stever aren't there. I promise you that.
Pavel of course will step up and lets face it, thats who people really want to hear from!

See you soon.

Royce said...

Hey Rif I have question to ask you regarding hypertrophy in anabolic/catabolic states.
This is probably going to be hard to answer because I have no definative measurments to start out with.
But it feels like ( and I have a pretty good feel for my body ) my shoulder girdle and biceps are growing, but I am not taking in that many calories. Like 2000 on a good day veggies, fruit, lean meats good fat. maybe 2500 if I just can't resist pizza or something. ( about 200 grams of protien a day )
I am dropping weight pretty fast like a pound every 3-4 days.
I was always taught you can't build muscle in a catabolic state, without unless you take steroids or ar severely undertrained.
Is it more likely that the muscle contains more residual tension, and the removal of fat makes it FEEL bigger.
I wouldn't ask but other people are starting to say I'm getting broader ( of course belly is shrinking, so ILLUSION probably )

Geoff Neupert said...

Nice job on surviving, bro. Instinct trumps textbook once again. I hope you're writing all of this down for your book.

Franz Snideman said...

Keep that back healthy Rif. We can't afford to have you out of commision. Glad to hear your body is handling the training.

Mark Reifkind said...


it may less of an increase in actually size than an increase in resting tone from the constant stimulation of the kb work. of course 2ooo cals isnt that low and with the increase in nutrients from all the good food you could be getting some volume induced hypertrophy.
remember the "rules" dont always follow themselves.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...