Monday, January 29, 2007

2 hand swings, presses and pullups.

Had a cancellation at 9 am this morning so I had an hour to really stretch out and do some of hartmans rehab exercises.Definitely needed it as biceps, corocoidbrachialis et all were tight tight tight. Lovely. More work to do. The exercises I did yesterday worked well but didnt hold. SO:

9 am

15 minutes rifga

face pulls
arm bar
kneeling pushups
thumb up lateral shrugs
stick press and overhead shrug.

did four circuits with light weights and 10-15 reps each. was suprised the pushup pattern actually not only didnt hurt but felt therapeutic!would very much like to be able to do pushups and or dips again.But was again blown away by how good the two hand overhead press pattern felt! A bilateral move that works for me? Unreal.

2 pm

Two hand swing

63x10x10 6300 pounds 100 reps . 45 sec rest/sets
53x10x10 5300 pounds 100 reps 30 sec rest/sets

200 reps
11,600 pounds

these went very well. Used my initial lean style but sat back at the bottom to get more glutes and less JUST hammies and back. seemed to work well. So glad to be able to tolerate this exercise again, it's such a meat and potatoes move, just like the squat. Heavy , hard and basic power.

Snatch practice with 16 kg 10 minutes

Tactical pullups s/s BB overhead press
5x5 20 lbs x5x5

pullups felt strangely good and doing them with a long pause was also good on the shoulder.Have to do both pullups and chinups it seems!the presses rocked and felt SO GOOD on the shoulder,especially at the top where I could actually get both arms behind my head!I'll be pressing the power bar very soon. this is a good sign.Virtually NO resistance, muscularly or fascially, overhead. havent felt that in ages.

Rack walks
16 kgx 200 feet laps per arm.

2000 feet total,ties pr.about 30 sec rest between arms

Rifga:15 minutes

BW 162.2
BF 8.9%
Water 60.8%

datsit, gotta get loose.


Royce said...

Rock on brother. I am really happy to see the grinds in there as well as the 2 hand swings.

Way to go dude!!

Authentic Strength Training said...

RIF! Rifga, I love it. freakin love it. tell me abou the face pull and the kneeling push up. Oddly enough, I discovered a kneeling push up this weekend that i really liked. Not the girly style ones that they make women do in gym class. I went into Yoga child pose, and when I came out, i stayed there. Kneeling, with hammy to calf and shoelaces on the floor, my elbows were touching my knees and tight to my lats. I pressed up and did 10 or so reps and it was surprisingly challenging! is this what you do? I liked this move and wanted to experiment with it more. Seems like a good lead into a tiger bend push up. Thanks for the motivation you send me on my blog. BTW, your blog was one of the reasons I decided to blast off into the blogosphere into the first place.


Mark Reifkind said...

LOL, yeah, rifs yoga.unfortunately for me they were girly pushups. Just wanted to make sure nothing tweaked. just trying to work the pattern first.
first off I cant sit that far back on my heels,lol, left knee only has 95 deg flexion.

you are welcome for the encouragement I just love your enthusiasm for the whole deal.good energy.

and the pressing,even though it is no weight is very encouraging. when the grooves wrong even no weight hurts.
monday will turn into bilateral day; two hand swings pullups pressing and pushups,lol.

Mark Reifkind said...

yeah royce it was good.thanks man.

Franz Snideman said...

Feels good to get those arms behind the head, doesn't it?
Glad to hear your soulders are feelings good!

Nice swings too!

Geoff Neupert said...

Nice job on the shoulders.

Oh yeah, and Olympic lifting is better than powerlifting ;-)

Although you will hate me: in a recent "exchange" I contended that powerlifting was not a sport, but a demonstration of absolute, brute strength. May as well put it out there. Sure to stir some controversy. Damn strong individuals, powerlifter, though. Damn strong.

Mark Reifkind said...

geoff, c'mon man, of course it is a sport. anything you compete in,especially in an organized fashion can be a "sport".being a sport doesnt make it anything more than an activity with a specialzied set of rules people contest to see who is the best.

how is weightlifting different than powerlifting as a "sport"?

now this should be interesting,lol.

Geoff Neupert said...

Oh, man I just posted my response but it "no-showed." Long and short of it is Rif, I may have to put my running shoes on and start doing some major backpedalling...No problem with doing that though, I got no pride left...

Geoff Neupert said...

Alright, after re-reading your post, I can't help taking a swing at this slow, low one across the plate:

"how is weightlifting different than powerlifting as a "sport"?"

One word: Athleticism. To quote Mr. Jones: "Heat shields--up; flame-retardent underwear--on..." There is no doubt that Oly is more athletic than Pwr. Now as far as who's stronger, in most cases that's a no-brainer...

However, one is not "better" than the other--they're just different. And now in my old age as an Oly, I think that both camps can learn from each other. Both are "brothers in iron" as I think you put it.

Mark Reifkind said...

LOL, cmon man you know i can melt those heat sheilds with onehard gaze from get the idea.

ANd I would argue that there is indeed quite a bit of athletic ability( not sure athleticism is the right word) in walking out a very heavy squat,squatting it deeply and walking it back it.TONS of coordination needed and situational awareness needed.

As far as an athletic requirement for sport well I offer these examples of well recognized and accepted sports:

long distance running
midget tossing


Geoff Neupert said...

Look, EVERBODY know midget tossing is a sport, but c'mon, golf? And long distance running is definitely NOT a sport--just an exercise in pain management!

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...