Friday, April 28, 2006

Quick and Dirty

And humbling. Only had twenty minutes today as I am off to Fresno to coach my training partner Nick at APF State Powerlifting meet. He better squat 551 or he will jog home beside the car. but I will miss my sat workout and we are leaving in a few minutes so I only had a short break between clients to sandwich something in.

What I decided to do was tracy's swing comb routine with some pullups. thankfully I swallowed my pride and only used the 16 kg. I HATE reps.

set one
one arm swing 20+20+15 two hand swing= 55 reps
set two
one arm swing 10+10+10+10+12 2 hand swing = 52 reps
set three
one arm swing 10+10+10+10+15 two hand swing+12 darcs=62 reps
set four
one arm swing 10+10+20 lateral swings+20 darcs=60
set five
H2H underflips 10 + 20 two hands=30
set six
same as set five=30
total reps= 279

these were all supersetted with
pullups six sets of five= 30 reps

twenty minutes. need to do this more often. lots of respect for my wifes cardio ability! and strength; she uses the 26# I need to bring my hip strength and endurance up way more.



Franz Snideman said...

Loved the workout Rif.

Very cool!

Efficient and a serious butt kicker!


Geoff Neupert said...

Whaddya mean "miss my Saturday workout"?!

I thought KBs were portable! When I went to the mountains in February, I took not one, but both of my 32kg.

There is no possible way I am more hardcore than you Rif!

Mark Reifkind said...

Thank you Sir, may I have another?

You are correct.I could snatch tomorrow in the parking lot or after the weighin. But, I would have rather done the 20 minutes when I could really focus in a good environment than a rushed similiar amount of time between attempts at the meet.

Plus, when I am coaching, my lifter gets all my attention.

But thank you for the Hardcore compliment! I am still Hardcore to the Core but just way smarter and way less tolerant of new injuries! LOL!I am feeling so much better all the time I dont want to push it.

Mark Reifkind said...

franz,I liked it more than I thought.Just letting myself use a light weight really helped. I have to admit I have a 32kg upper body and a 16 kg lower~!LOL~

well not that bad but it was a rushed week~!

Mark Reifkind said...

hey, I just realized, I went MORE hardcore by making sure I did my workout A DAY EARLY PAL! LOL!!!LESS recovered! :))

Now I feel good about myself....

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...