Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Snatch practice and lots of Z

Got in a LOT of Z movement practice today. Did it first thing at 5 am when I got to Girya and then did it with my clients during their warmup as well.Did different things with different clients but I got 7 different sessions in today! Greasing the groove for sure. And the more I did it the more I liked it. So simple and yet so direct. Just like kettlebells.
Lots of things moving around though, especially in my left ankle and right shoulder but that's to be expected. What I didnt expect was how good much shoulder was going to feel during snatches. My ankle was still having a hard time finding neutral but I could do a few drills and get it to behave.
I can see this is going to be a long process.dats cool.Especially if I keep feeling better.

One arm swings
16 kg x10/10x2

24kg x10/10x14 sets
140 reps
7420 pounds

Man this felt like lots more work than that,lol! Thats what the down side of a peak feels like, compared to three weeks ago when I did 400 swings with it and felt like I could do more!

16kg x5/5

24kgx5/5x 8 sets
80 reps
4240 lbs

total =200 reps
11,600 pounds

I really want to concentrate on my overhead position with my right arm and I was EXTREMELY suprised today when I could get a deeper and further stretch with my right arm than I have in recent memory! It felt like if I pushed back it actually went. Normally it just locks up.The one area I did with everyone today was shoulder circles and man I couldnt believe how good it felt, and still feels. crazy.
It was good to really get my hips warmed up with lots of swings first.This is the better order for me.

another angle

it aint close to perfect but it is definitely better. not bad Z!

Rack walks with 16kg
decided to walk barefoot in thick grass today and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! More confortable an much harder at the same time.On concrete with shoes is way easier.I could really feel my foot( left of course) having to work much harder to stabilize. Much slower as well

1200 feet broken into 400 foot sections
switch hands every 200 feet.

BW 161.2
BF 8%
Water 61.5%

havent gotten a reading this low in awhile. I'll take it!

datsit, gonna stretch.


Mike T Nelson said...

Nice work!

I would expect the more Z work you do on the left ankle, the better the ROM on your right shoulder. In my experience it is many times the opposite foot/ankle, hip, and same side wrist that are key points for shoulder ROM. It could be anything of course, but I see those pretty often.

Nice job on the BF% too! How did you measure it? Just curious.

Keep us updated!
Mike N

Mark Reifkind said...

interesting mike, as I really notice how tough the left circles were with toes pointed.pulled back was fine but pointed was messed up!especially in external rotation .and I spent years with my toes pointed in gymnastics.
I use a tanita inner scan scale.I figure they are all off by a certain percentage so it doesnt really matter. I'm interested in the trendline mainly and that consistent. as well as hydration. its a very consistent measure of that too.
thanks for the input.this is all very interesting, and as you know I have been 'sceptical',lol.

Unknown said...

Rif, I'm kinda like you. I've been GTG through out the day since I've learned the drills. I usually get between 6 to 8 sessions in. I wish i were able to go to the R-phase this week since it's actually in my back yard!

Mark Reifkind said...


I was very surprised to see how much it seemed to help so fast, although that is their claim.even this morning my right shoulder feels surpisingly 'right'. more z in just a bit.
mikes advice about the same side wrist was right on. the left one glides very easily and the right was a bit stuck. easy to work on though, eh?

Brett Jones said...

You missed out by not going to the cert when it was down the street from you.
Geoff will have some great stuff for you.
We will talk soon.

Mark Reifkind said...


good to hear from you. I'm a slow learner this is a fine start. plenty of time to practice the basics. talk to you soon.hows the hammie?

Franz Snideman said...

Nice job Rif! Feels good to be lean, doesn't it?

145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...