Monday, September 17, 2007

Max Vo2, the Original.

Wow. I knew there was a reason I didn't immediately get drawn to Kenneth Jays first mvo2 snatch protocol, the 36 sec on 36 sec off number.It just seemed too many reps even though the weight was light. When he revealed you could also do the 15 on 15 off method THEN I jumped in. I am a sprinter at heart and the 36 second version seemed terrible. It is.
Since I am in my tenth week of this and have cycle through the 50 sets three times now I figured it was time to bite the bullet and give this a go.
Not that much fun at all,lol.
My 15 second pace is a strong 7 reps with 8 a go but very hard even on fresh days.SO I figured since I had a little over 30 seconds 15 would be a good starting place. It's a good ending place; its way tough.
Cardio was fine and max heartrate was only 171 or so. The HR is only supposed to be 90-95% of max as opposed to the 15/15 setup where HR is supposed to be supramax 110-120% of Max.
But speed suffered and the load was on my arm and grip,not my legs or lungs. With the 15/15 I am sucking serious wind at the end,especially with the 8 reps per cycle.

Heres the start, 4 sets in.

11 sets through

two hand swings, one hand swings, transfers with 16kg 25 reps
snatch transfers with 16 2 sets

36 sec on 36 sec off
15 reps per cycle 8 sets
14 reps per cycle 8 sets

232 snatches
8352 lbs

this was way harder than 350 snatches the other way.

Tracy kicked out 20 reps per 36 sec! It hurt though and she was still tired from Saturdays 20kgs snatches. I knew that timing wasnt good but hey, you gotta go when it's right.

Rack walk 16 kg
1200 feet switching hands each 200.
60 sec res
800 feet as above

2000 feet total
. arms were cooked but HR was up there too;153 at end,probably more still from the snatches than the walks :))

scap pulls
double red mini 4 sets 10

I definitely prefer the other method.I like to go fast and could feel my speed slow down after 10 for sure.I could see fast sets of ten without losing bell speed but 7 and 8 is probably a better number for me anyway.

On another note, I am one third through the Z health R phase dvd and have read the manual.very very interesting. I like things that get broken down to their most basic components and the joint mobility in Z seems to do just that.Playing with all the movements and can see the immediate value in the ankle,hip shoulder and elbow work.I have LOTS of missing ranges of motion,lol.
Not giving up stretching or the roller yet;in fact I did a lot of ankle circles while lying on my IT band and upper hammy.Pain is a very relative concept ;)
This is very detailed stuff and you must REALLY concentrate on what you are doing. Not for those not in their bodies,that's for sure.

datsit. more Z to watch and still gotta stretch. Wednesday, slow snatches and one arm swings.


Geoff Neupert said...

"Sprinter at heart."

Love it.

Glad you're finding the Z up your alley.

Read one of your last posts where your abs locked down. Try this next time: medial and lateral ankle tilts, 3 position toe pulls, 4 position hip circles. Lemme know how it goes. I'll show you next week anyway.

Mark Reifkind said...

For a guy that can barely get off the ground anymore I used to be able to run really fast and jump pretty well too. gymnasts are basically sprinters.Really short explosive work bouts with pretty long rests between.
just getting the lingo and the basic movements down now.the manual says everything is supposed to be done very slow but on the dvd he is moving pretty fast?whats the right speed? starting slow then progressing?
when do you get into town?drop me an email ok?

Unknown said...

Rif, i quit trying to follow the video. He goes faster than i want to go. I'm trying concentrate which makes me go slower. I've got the order down in memory. just got the neural warm up too. I think i'm really likin' the Z.

Royce said...

Yeesh Rif that just looks bad! Nice work though.

Jen Waak said...


The video goes way faster than you should really work at -- particularly while learning the drills. On p. 16 of the manual they talk about the different speeds -- all of which have value. But, it's 5-15 seconds/movement as the "base" speed.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you've got the manual and are working through both that and the DVD. There are 4 speeds to R Phase as you've read. I recommend you perform the drills at Standard Speed. The Follow Along for R Phase is at Cordinated Speed, which is NOT the ideal start for those just beginning the system. I don't recommend attempting this speed for a while.

Don't forget your 4 Elements of Efficiency!

It'll be interesting the see changes occur in your videos as you progress with Z and increase ROM. Keep up the great work!


Mark Reifkind said...

jen and katie,

thanks,I'm glad I read that before I watched the video. to be honest, after watching the entire video I am a bit dissapointed in it. There are NO corrections or advice as to what to do if you cannot do things in the correct way; or even what a "perfect' rep consists of.
for instance, I can't get my right shoulder all the way overhead without compensation in my back; what is the adjustment? should I do it at the ROM I can raise and not get out of neutral or not do it or what?
very little information,suprisingly.I thought there would be all kinds of info after the exercise section.
He should have shown what the different speeds looked like as well as what it looked like when done wrong and the appropriate correction.
I will work out of the manual from here on out.
I do like the drills though.

Geoff Neupert said...


To be fair, not everything can be covered in the DVD. There are so many mistakes to make, where do you start? The instructional DVD should provide some info.

As far as ROM, go as far as you can go while maintaining posture, breathing, balance of tension and relaxation, etc. Then do your work there. I had the same problem with the shoulder top circles on both arms, especially my left. I just went where I could--something's better than nothing.

Plus you have to rememeber, "R" stands for "Rehabilitation, Re-Education, and Restoration," in that order. Each precedes the other. Since the body is more complicated than "look at the joints above and below the problem joint," if one is limited in knowledge of how the body really operates, then at a certain level, much of this stuff makes very little sense. We are limited in all areas of life by what we know vesus what we don't know: investing is a great example.

So this falls into the the realm of "do the best you can with what you know and what you can currently do."

Pete said...

Nice work on the MaxV02, Rif. I think I'd better hit a couple of more weeks on the 15/15 protocol before I change up to the 36/36. Good stuff!

Mark Reifkind said...


I dont like it and am going back to 15/15. most of what I felt was just grip and hand stuff and when my grip gets worked too much my shoulders get touchy. I like the shorter work shorter rest approach much better.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...