Monday, September 10, 2007


From 4 am Thursday through 2 pm today it's been pretty much non stop for me.15 hours days are not my norm,lol.Being on my feet and walking all day long is a serious test of my knee, gait and work capacity and it came through the best yet.Plus just getting home proved to be a serious test of my endurance and patience.
My 9:30 pm sunday flight from Minneapolis was delayed an hour and I didnt touch head to pillow til 2 am. Then it was up at 6 am( not 4 thank god) for clients and then my training. Just a few short months ago this would have kicked my butt down hard and I woouldnt have even thought of training but this was emminently doeable today and nowhere near as stressful as it used to be. There are many paths to strength endurance but kettlebells are one seriously fast one.
Doing 35 fast snatch sets wasnt the best training idea today but Tracy was counting on some help so there it was. It wasnt pretty but it got done. The video was set on picture mode so it didnt come through and that's probably good. I was pretty beat and nothing kills speed more than fatigue.But it was character training and it was fine.
Tracy cranked out 35 sets of 9 reps per 15 sec with the 26. 400 snatches no problem.Next week will start the 36 sec version of this although I am seriously thinking of alternating weeks of snatches with weeks of one arm swings with the 20 kg for the same time frame. If I dont really work my swing my snatch form breaks down .
One can train the snatch to improve their snatch performance for it's own sake, or, one can USE the snatch as a tool to improve and or increase another aspect of their physical self. The methods will most certainly differ but that does not make one any more valid than the other.
Using the box squat to improve your squat or deadlift does not make your squatting form wrong, just designed for a specific purpose and result.
Training fast, training slow, and other tempos in between are all valuable and will contribute to overall results according to the designs of the program to meet the goal.
The more I train fast now the more I see I want to incorporate slow training as well to balance the entire gamut.

max Vo2 16 kg
35 sets of 15 on 15 off
245 reps
8820 lbs

snatch holds with 16 kg
4 sets of 45 sec. I swear these are harder than the 24 kg! LOL!

datsit,rest and food.


Aaron Friday said...

You're working too hard, and you need a break. Sleep more, breathe in your belly and watch some cartoons. When you feel like getting up, focus on your feet and stay relaxed.

Everything you need to do will still be there when you feel like doing it.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron. you are probably right. I am taking it very easy now and just finished a pint of chocolate mint chip ben and jerry's. yum.

Aaron Friday said...

You are a master of recuperation. Don't forget the laughter. You need to stay on a strict schedule of laughter.

Mark Reifkind said...

will do chief.I'll read the newspaper daily.

BJ Bliffert said...

Rif, Sorry we missed you this weekend. Dennis e-mailed us the news about Craig canceling and we decided against trying to fit the trip into an already busy weekend.

Glad to hear you survived. These weekends are always much to take in!

Stay healthy, we should see you this spring, I believe Kori and I are slated again for April.


Aaron Friday said...

I need some bunny slippers and a Spongebob Squarepants t-shirt myself.

Franz Snideman said...

Welcome back from the RKC. Sounds like another awesome weekend!

Royce said...

Like Aaron said, chill, you earned it man!!
Ben and Jerry's kicks ass Cherry Garcia is my favorite.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...