When Pavel asked me three weeks out if I was up for presenting at the RKC for 30 minutes I was a bit overhwhelmed to be honest. Especially when he told me the topic: What is the RKC System? 30 minutes or less please.
uh, yeah. ok.
Just define and encapsulate your lifes work so far. No problemo. But it really made me think. About exactly how I saw the RKC what it was specifically as a system. these are the notes and talking points.
First I needed to define the RKC.
What is the RKC ?1) The Russian Kettlebell Challenge. The exercises, movements ,techniques and methods of the book and DVD of the same name. Pavels seminal work.KB ballistics and grinds. Hard style.
2) The Russian Kettlebell Certification. The instructor course we are at. Learning to teach the specific exercises of the RKC course.
3) A challenge to the current exercise model. A pradigm shift in the fitness world. From bodybuilding/aerobics/form over function to full body engaged, high intensity, functional movements. the brain knows movements, not muscles.
What is a system?A group of interactive, interrelated and interdependent elements that comprise a complex whole.
Elements of the RKC System1) The ballistic lifts and grinds of the RKC book
2) The high tension techniques and powerbreathing methods of the Power to the People .
3) the scar tissue destroying and joint prying open effects of Joint Mobility
4) The science of stretching and flexibility training.Using strength to stretch as well as the specific brething techniques as well.(RIS, Fast and loose,Strength stretching)
5) The drills, postures, corrections and fixes of the RKC Instructor manual and course.
Another definition of systemAn organized set of ideas or principles
Principles of the RKC SystemTHE SWING IS THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. LOL.A basic human rythym. Swinging on a swing. The arc is instinctive.
1) The body is a linked interconnected unit and must be trained as such.
2) To do so is a skill that must be practiced, not just trained. Think gymnastics, martial arts, olympic weightlifting. Difference between real martial arts and cardio kickboxing.
3) Mastery results from Deep Skill work,not random acts of variety. Think going backwards to go forward.
4) Do more with less by going into each movement,rahter than just relying n external resistance. The RKC is an internal system. The focus is inward( associative) during the lifts. Black belt analogy.
5) the system is simple, but not easy.This is the basis of the Hard Style approach.. Compensatory acceleration(ballistics) and negative accentuated training( grinds).Similar to WSB in it is a methodology and not just a theory. Can not chinese menu approach these systems to see the benefits. they have to be learned,practiced and mastere.
The RKC as a stand alone Method1) RKC touted as good for other sports activities
2) KB "What the Heck effect". focus on carryover to other activities and sports. Role as a helper.
3) But also works brilliantly as a minimalist, stand alone method of strength and conditioning.especially for the average person or client.
4) RKC system offers a unique opportunity to the average person that most other methods cannot: a force multiplier effect from the acceleration of the ballistic exercises. This creates a "virtual force " effect that creates very interesting adaptations to the muscles and the metabolism. Less weight is actually more weight as speed ,and therefore power can be trained for high workloads with little shock to the joints.
5) Fundamental difference in ballistic versus conventional training is the intended USE of momentum. learning to maximize and optimize it to INCREASE work loads, and therefore work capacities.
6) Ballistics complete in themselves as having both a tension and a relaxed, fast phase. grinds can be done as effectively with dbs but swings cannot.
7) "A perfect swing is better than 99% of all other strength and conditioning methods" Steve Maxwell.
8) Allows an average person to approach workloads only available to a superathlete. E.g 200 swings with 36 lb =7200 pounds of work. WSB would use 300lb in squat for 12x2 for the same 7200 pound for a 425 pound squatter. How many clients or average people could do that.
and a untrained 60 year old can do that workload in a few days of training. Work capacity and gpp is the thing for MOST regular people- read clients.
9) KB workloads, and therefore caloric burns,work capacity increases and metabolic conditioning that is not only easy on the body but
therapeutic to it , are off the hook. And available to almost everyone. Think obesity in all age categories.the potential is huge. The swings the thing.
10) Yet at the same time strength and flexibility are increased. Almost automatically just by focusing on the proper performance of the basic movements.
11) Linkage and rooting techniques create a unique body awareness.
12) Ballistics mimic natural athletic motions by alternating cycles of tension and realxation in an also unique way.Less soreness and residual muscle tension but still great realxed tone and muscle tension generating ability.
13) One never has to go into a commerical gym again.
14) The RKC as a foundational method. teaching rooting, connection of upper and lower body ,power and speed production,body and situational awareness and well as low gear strength(grinds)
15) Unique beauty, simplicity and efficiency of the dang things. people just take to them. A very symbolic shape as well. The circle is powerful.
ConclusionSimplexity ( from Power to the People)" The emergence of simple rules from underlying disorder and complexity."This is the basis for the RKC system to me. Leading away from overly complex ineffective conditioning methods to functional ones, rooted in traditions of basic hard work and that work for almost everyone who tries them. We are at a tipping point in the exercise world I believe. People want the truth. This is true: The RKC system works for basic fitness better than anything I have ever seen. For myself and my clients.But feeling is believing.Swing a bell then you'll know.