Monday, November 14, 2005

Upper body training

Well this didnt work either. Kettlebells have ruined me for "conventional" training. I did my entire upper body workout and felt like I hadnt done anything. Training for the pump just aint gonna cut it I can tell already. So I did some darcs and snatches to get some work in.

db bench press 8x8 with 45's( left bicep tendon doestn like bench it seems in any form)
one kb rows 8x6 with 54 these are good
dips 5x5 with bodyweight( shoulder is not happy with this either)
BW Pullups 5x5 these feel good at least
lying db extensions 4x10 with 30's
seated db curls 4x8 with 30's

that was all I could take. went to:


36x8/8x3 experimented with keeping the bell in close to the crotch on the downswing and then just a regular punch through technique on the snatch itself. felt suprisingly decent. not much knee bend.


5 sets of ten seconds. these save my shoulder. what a crap workout. I am tempted not to write this shit down but I want anyone thats reading to understand this is how training in real life, for long periods of time goes. You go through ups as well as downs but they key is to keep searching for what's right for you and what works AT THAT TIME. This getting older crap has got to go. Stuff is falling off at record rates.

1 comment:

Tim Dymmel said...


I know what you mean about bodybuilding being boring. I feel useless if my heart and breathing aren't up.

The handstands are a sweet thing. I'm still against the wall, but able to get off for a few seconds at a time. Thanks for the suggestion.

My shoulder is feeling SOOO much better. Taking a while, but definitely better than it's been in a long time.

On a smaller scale, since you've been at it longer than me, I think it's a case of coming up with new things. It gets harder after you've done a ton of different routines. Add in injuries that reduce selection and you don't have a lot left that we're able to do. And that's frustrating as all get out.

Allow me to encourage you to keep striving. It's times like these that test character. And it's always darkest just before dawn.

Later, Tim

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...