Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Back to the Darkside.

I just can't face another hi rep day,especially training by myself, so I did a little powerlifting again today. Feels good to do some low reps and heavy( very relative) for a change. Without a deadline and some clear cut goals its almost impossible for me to get motivated to get going these days and being able to do 100 swings is just not enough.

Getting on the bench was like putting on an old,well worn pair of slippers. Not much support but it feels like home. I am nuts its seems.

Bench press
very easy but the left biceps tendon will want some adjustment time. I will give it to it.

rolling db extensions
25#x10x10 15 sec rest/set whats this? a tricep pump? forgot about that. I love this move and didnt even know when we were doing this that it is the Tabata intervcal protocal.

deadlifts ( double overgrip)
225x1x12 sets 30 sec rest/sets. fast and easy. perfect. very close stance set up with the weight in the medial arch. strong position.

two hand swings
53#x5x15 sets 15 sec res/set. ah this is almost like Dynamic effort squat day. so much more natural for me to go really hard for short periods;even with a short rest, rather than long low intensity sets. Just no good at them. Used a long hardstyle power stroke, reaching behind me as much as possible and accelerating as much as possible.

db laterals 4x12

pushdowns 4x20

hammer curls 4x10 time for a bit more mass again

handstands 4x 10 sec holds
have to keep this in the mix to keep the shoulders open.

I think the key to me staying (relatively) uninjured is really NOT neglecting my stretching and NOT pushing the loads. Hope this works, training has been very depressing lately. Push pull guy might work.anything but the void that is now.

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...